EUR/NAT Technical Assistance Project in Kyrgyzstan


Through this article, the Civil Aviation Agency of Kyrgyzstan wishes to strengthen ties with all its civil aviation partners, including international and regional organizations.

 Developed within the framework of ICAO’s No Country Left Behind (NCLB) initiative, the EUR/NAT Regional Technical Assistance Programme (EUR/NAT TAP) KGZ 16004 Phase I Project was successfully completed in Kyrgyzstan.

Akyshev Kurmanbek, Director of the CAA since 2016, devoted his life to aviation, working in the aviation field for almost 40 years. His previous appointments include chief and board member of JCS Manas international airport. Akyshev K. has graduated from Riga Civil Aviation Flight Technical school and Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kyrgyz Republic.

The second phase of this project (KGZ 16004 Phase II) helped Kyrgyzstan resolve significant safety concerns (SSC) related to the training and qualifications of Civil Aviation Agency aircraft operator inspectorate staff in the Aircraft Operations (OPS) area, which had been identified during the ICAO Universal Safety Oversight Audit Programme (USOAP) Continuous Monitoring Approach (CMA) Audit.

This phase also supported the necessary capacity building in the areas of Personnel Licensing (PEL) and Airworthiness of civil aircraft (AIR) through the resolution of findings identified during the audit.

Overall, with the support of ICAO Experts in the frame of this Assistance Project, all insufficiencies of the civil aviation system in Kyrgyzstan were identified. The ICAO OPS, PEL and AIR Experts outlined the work to be completed from mid-May till mid-July 2018 and where further work was required to rectify deficiencies in these areas in their draft report at the conclusion of the KGZ 16004 Phase II Project.

Phase III of the Project has been developed to continue these activities. An ICAO Expert is supporting this project with a mission from beginning November to 26 December 2018 to work on the documentation, followed by on-the-job training (OJT) for OPS and PEL inspectors.

Kyrgyzstan, thanks to the close cooperation of the ICAO Regional Office through the EUR/NAT Project 16004, has developed a mid and long term action plan (2018-2022) that sets forth the following milestones and deliverables:

  • Actively continue implementation of the Corrective Action Plan in all areas influencing flight safety;
  • Resolve SSC and top-priority deficiencies; and
  • Achieve relevant capacity within the Civil Aviation Agency.