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Women in aviation: Insight from the first female president of Japan Airlines
The first female president of Japan Airlines (JAL), is a well-known personality. When Mitsuko Tottori reached for the sky and broke all barriers of stereotypical thinking to take on the highest position in her organization, she became a…
Improving gender equality in India’s aviation workforce
In June 2024, India’s aviation regulator, the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA), issued an advisory circular that adressed the need for enhancing female representation in the civil aviation sector. The circular is applicable to…
The role of civil-military cooperation in the safe and optimal use of airspace
Aviation contributes significantly to State’ economy and requires stable and secure environment. Effective civil-military cooperation in air traffic management (ATM) will allow civil aviation to flourish and military aviation to perform…
The journey to System Wide Information Management in the APAC Region
The ICAO System Wide Information Management (SWIM) is an important component of modern air traffic management (ATM) systems aimed at enhancing the exchange and accessibility of accurate and timely information in the aviation industry.…
Certifying aviation security instructors in the APAC Region
The primary objective of ICAO's Implementation Support and Development Section - Security (ISD-SEC) is to support ICAO Contracting States in resolving significant security deficiencies identified through the ICAO Aviation Security Audit…
Addressing the threats of wildlife strikes on flight safety in the APAC Region
The presence of wildlife in the vicinity of anairfield is a threat to aircraft operations worldwide. Every year numerous collisions occur between aircraft and wildlife that cause damage to aircraft. Although most wildlife strikes involve…