Middle East Region: Training courses and workshops

The Wildlife Hazard Management and Control Workshop in Kartoum, Sudan, 10 to 12 December 2018

To ensure the safe, secure and sustainable development of global air transport, the aviation community must ensure there are enough qualified and competent personnel to operate, manage and maintain the current and future air transport system, and that they are adhering to international standards. This is the aviation training that took place in the MID Region in November and December 2018 that adheres to these standards.

ICAO Civil Aviation Authority Senior and Middle Managers Training Course
Beirut, Lebanon, 5-9 November 2018

The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Civil Aviation Authority Senior and Middle Managers Training Course (SMMTC): Managing Compliance of ICAO SARPs (MCIS), funded by the China South-South Cooperation Assistance Fund, was held in Beirut, Lebanon from 5 to 9 November 2018. Twenty-nine participants successfully completed the course.

PBN OPS Approval Course
Beirut, Lebanon, 26-30 November 2018

The PBN OPS Approval Course was held at the ICAO MID Region Flight Procedure Programme (MID FPP), Beirut, Lebanon, from 26 to 30 November 2018. The Course was hosted by the Lebanese Directorate General of Civil Aviation. The course was delivered by IATA, free of charge as an in-kind contribution to the MID FPP and the ICAO MID Region.

Aerodrome Safety Management System (SMS) Workshop
Cairo, Egypt, 27-29 November 2018

The Aerodrome SMS Workshop was held at the ICAO MID Office, Cairo, Egypt involving 35 participants, seven MID States (Egypt, Iran, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, UAE and USA) and one organization (IFATCA).

Joint IATA/ICAO Workshop on Airports and Air Navigation Charges
Rabat, Morocco, 27-29 November 2018

The Joint IATA/ICAO Workshop on Airport and Air Navigation Charges was held at the Onomo Hotel Rabat Terminus, in Rabat, Morocco, 27 – 28 November 2018. The workshop was attended by a total of 58 participants from 12 States and nine international organizations.

The Wildlife Hazard Management and Control (WHMC) Workshop
Khartoum, Sudan, 10-12 December 2018

Wildlife hazard management is an operational activity that is vital to maintaining an acceptable level of safety for aircraft operations at an airport.

The Wildlife Hazard Management and Control (WHMC) Workshop (pictured above) that was held in Sudan from 10 to 12 December 2018, provided a forum for discussing the key elements involved in wildlife hazard management and how these elements are integrated successfully into the airport’s Wildlife Hazard Management Plan. During this workshop, different experts from CAA Authorities, Airports, Airlines, ANSPs, Ethology and Environment Departments shared their experiences based on guidance material from various civil aviation authorities, industry best practices and ICAO guidance related to wildlife management.