ICAO-Qatar Developing country Scholarship Programme for aviation professionals


An agreement was reached between ICAO and the Government of the State of Qatar this week to extend the ICAO-Qatar Developing Country Scholarship Programme for an additional three years. The programme aims to deliver training to aviation personnel globally to ensure the safety, efficiency and regularity of international civil aviation and alignment with ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs).

The agreement was signed by ICAO Secretary General Juan Carlos Salazar and Qatar Civil Aviation Authority (QCAA) President H.E. Mohamed Faleh Al Hajri at a virtual signing ceremony held in Montréal and Doha.

Implemented through the ICAO Technical Cooperation Bureau, the programme will award Scholarships to participants worldwide in areas of training jointly identified by ICAO and the Government of Qatar targeting Developing Countries most in need of assistance in those specific areas of training.  ICAO will assist the Government of Qatar in identifying and recommending relevant subject matter experts and processing the nominations received jointly with the Government of Qatar.

“The signature of this Memorandum of Understanding renews the commitment made in 2018 by the State of Qatar to assist Developing Countries through this and other initiatives aimed at ensuring adherence to ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices and continuous training,” remarked Mr. Salazar. “This programme, administered by ICAO’s Technical Cooperation Bureau, will have a significant impact towards achieving a sustainable global civil aviation system.”

“The signing of this memorandum stems from our belief in the importance of our strategic partnership with ICAO, and in commitment to its mission, goals and principles, in addition to its international initiatives aimed at further developing a safe and sustainable civil aviation sector throughout the world,” stated Mr. Mohammed Faleh Al-Hajri. “This memorandum also aligns with Qatar’s vision of focusing on human development and the importance of the human role in building a prosperous and developed society.  This is indeed what it will contribute to by strengthening the human capabilities in developing countries to ensure the best implementation of all ICAO’s standards and recommended practices.”

Announcements of the first scholarships will be issued by ICAO in the upcoming weeks.