MID Regional Office Meetings in November and December 2018

Coordination Meeting on SITA integration, Cairo, Egypt, 18th December 2018
ICAO works with the Convention’s 193 Member States and industry groups to reach consensus on international civil aviation Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) and policies in support of a safe, efficient, secure, economically sustainable and environmentally responsible civil aviation sector. These SARPs and policies are used by ICAO Member States to ensure that their local civil aviation operations and regulations conform to global norms, which in turn permits more than 100,000 daily flights in aviation’s global network to operate safely and reliably in every region of the world.
In addition to its core work resolving consensus-driven international SARPs and policies among its Member States and industry, and among many other priorities and programmes, ICAO coordinates assistance and capacity building for States in support of numerous aviation development objectives; produces global plans to coordinate multilateral strategic progress for safety and air navigation; monitors and reports on numerous air transport sector performance metrics; and audits States’ civil aviation oversight capabilities in the areas of safety and security. ICAO meetings and events are held around the globe in support of this work. These are the meetings that took place in the MID Region in November and December 2018.

3rd Meeting of the MID Annual Safety Report Team (MID-ASRT/3)
Cairo, Egypt, 20-22 November 2018

The meeting was attended by a total of 10 participants from six States (Egypt, Iran, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Sudan and the United States).

5th Meeting of the Ground Safety Working Group (RGS WG/5)
Cairo, Egypt, 25-27 November 2018

The meeting was attended by 25 participants from seven MID States (Egypt, Iran, Libya, Qatar, Sudan, UAE and USA) and one organization (IATA).

6th Meeting of the MIDANPIRG Steering Group (MSG/6)
Cairo, Egypt, 3-5 December 2018

The meeting was attended by a total of 26 participants from six States (Bahrain, Egypt, Iran, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates) and three organizations (ACAO, EUROCONTROL and IFAIMA).

5th Meeting of the MIDANPIR, RASG-MID Coordination Meeting (MRC/5)
Cairo, Egypt, 5-6 December 2018

The meeting was attended by a total of 24 participants from six States (Bahrain, Egypt, Iran, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates) and two organizations (ACAO and IFAIMA).

Cairo, Egypt, 16 December 2018

The CASP-MID EWG/11 Meeting was attended by three CASP-MID States (Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Sudan) and one observer State (Egypt). The meeting discussed the way forward to proceed with phase two of the Collaborative Aviation Security Programme – Middle East (CASP-MID) as well as the up-coming activities to assist the Member States in implementing ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) of Annex 17 and related security provisions of Annex 9.

Coordination Meeting on SITA Integration
Cairo, Egypt, 18 December 2018

The meeting was attended by a total of 19 participants from one State (Egypt) and three international organizations (ICAO, EUROCONTROL, and SITA). The meeting was convened to discuss issues impeding SITA Integration in the ICAO Middle East Region and clarify the rationale and the need for the SITA Integration worldwide. The meeting agreed that SITA AMHS Type-X transition will be tentatively completed on 28 February 2019.

Joint ACAO/ICAO EUR/NAT and MID ASBU Symposium
Marrakech, Morocco, 10-13 December 2018

The joint ACAO/ICAO EUR/NAT and MID ASBU Symposium was conducted and hosted by the Arab Civil Aviation Organization (ACAO) in Marrakech, Morocco from 10 to 13 December 2018. The Symposium was attended by a total of 125 participants from 14 States and 10 international organizations.