Safety is a global priority in aviation and adequate training is essential for identifying, reducing, and mitigating potential risks and hazards. From 23-25 June 2021, Sunok Lee, Asia/Pacific Regional Security Officer, conducted a three-day webinar where she presented the safety management concept and related requirements. She was joined by 160 participants from around the world who had a shared goal to introduce the best practices for improving aviation safety.
The focus of the second day of the webinar was on practicing hazard identification and risk assessment through the virtual mall provided by the application Mural, (image above).
The webinar concluded with presentations from the USA, Australia, Singapore, and the Republic of Korea where they were invited to share their experiences in defining the scope of a change, and how safety assessment should be conducted. With this being the 2nd webinar on ATM Safety Assessment, the difficulty in defining the scope of the change was demonstrated once again and it provided the methodology for conducting the safety assessment.
Risk cannot be eliminated but should be reduced to a level “as low as reasonably practicable” through effective a State safety programme (SSP) and safety management system (SMS) implementation. Risk mitigation must be balanced against the time, cost, and difficulty of implementation the risk controls.
The next webinar will cover safety culture, “Safety is MY business”, on 27-28 October 2021. Click here to register online, all previous presentations are available here.