Live Stream of the Air Navigation discussions at ICAO’s 13th Air Navigation Conference

On this page you will find all of the discussions on the Air Navigation Committee's items that include: the air navigation global strategy; enabling, enhancing and implementing the global air navigation system; the role of planning and implementation regional groups; and other emerging issues. This page will be continuously updated as the sessions occur.


Welcome to the ten-day, 13th Air Navigation Conference that is being held at ICAO Headquarters. Though we will be broadcasting the important discussions on YouTube Live, you can follow the broadcasts on this page by scrolling below to the event playlists. After the broadcasts, the videos will be made available for on-demand viewing right here.

The theme for the 2018 conference is “From Development to Implementation” which encompasses implementation of operational improvements, such as technology, operational concepts, and roadmaps, from the conceptual phase until deployment. It emphasizes the importance of concepts for global use, development of implementation plans regionally, and implementation of performance improvements locally, based on specific operational requirements in a cost-effective manner.

ICAO’s 13th Air Navigation Conference provides an opportunity for Member States and aviation stakeholders to work on global strategies for safety and air navigation planning, development and implementation. It brings together the views of the global aviation community on major objectives for safety and air navigation, and sets priorities for the coming years.

Throughout the conference, subject matter experts will participate in the detailed technical discussions that are expected to lead to agreements on high-level recommendations in different key performance areas of the air navigation system. These recommendations will be submitted for approval to the ICAO Council for subsequent endorsement by the 40th Session of the Assembly in 2019.

We will be updating the live discussions on all of the Agenda Items that cover air navigation issues on this page, as they occur.  These sessions are spread out over the ten-days of the event, so make sure to mark your calendars with the schedule for the items that most matter to you! To watch the recorded sessions on the Safety Committee’s discussions, click here.

For optimum viewing, please note the latest version of Internet Explorer (IE), Chrome, Firefox and Safari are recommended.  If using a version of IE11 or earlier, you will need to open the live streaming from this YYouTube playlist.  

Agenda Item 1: Air navigation global strategy

Discussions will include:

1.1: Vision and overview of the sixth edition of the GANP
1.2: Air navigation performance improvement and measurement through the aviation system block upgrades (ASBUs) and basic building blocks (BBBs) framework
1.3: Air navigation roadmaps
1.4: Air navigation business cases

The Conference will be invited to put forward recommendations on:

a) the vision, performance ambitions and overview proposed for the sixth edition of the GANP;
b) the latest developments of the ASBUs framework;
c) the BBBs framework; and
d) the air navigation roadmaps and the methodology for development of business cases.

Agenda Item 1 Session 5: Wednesday, October 10th (9:30 – 11:00)

Agenda Item 1 Session 6: Wednesday, October 10th (11:30 – 12:30)

Agenda Item 1 Session 7: Wednesday, October 10th (14:00 – 15:30)

Agenda Item 1 Session 29: Saturday, October 13th (14:00 – 15:30)


Agenda Item 2: Enabling the global air navigation system

2.1: Aerodrome operations and capacity
2.2: Integrated CNS and spectrum strategy
2.3: Future provision of aeronautical meteorological service

The Conference will be invited to put forward recommendations on:

a) how to improve aerodrome operations and reinforce its relationship with the ATM environment, and a future strategy to increase aerodrome capacity enabling the enhancement of the whole system capacity through optimized airport planning and design and total airport management;
b) an integrated CNS and spectrum strategy — the evolution and rationalization of the global CNS infrastructure, taking into account its impact on the air navigation system as a whole and increasing pressures on aeronautical frequency spectrum; and
c) how MET services will be provided in the future.

Agenda Item 2 Session 13: Thursday, October 11th (09:30 – 11:00)

Agenda Item 2 Session 14: Thursday, October 11th (11:30 – 12:30)

Agenda Item 2 Session 15: Thursday, October 11th (14:00 – 14:45)

Agenda Item 2 Session 30: Saturday, October 13th (16:00 – 17:00)


Agenda Item 3: Enhancing the global air navigation system

3.1: System-wide information management (SWIM)
3.2: Flight and flow information for a collaborative environment (FF-ICE) and trajectory-based operations (TBO)
3.3: Air traffic flow management (ATFM)
3.4: Civil/military cooperation
3.5: Other ATM issues

The Conference will be invited to put forward recommendations on:

a) a system to exchange data and information on a global basis which can support the evolution
of the air navigation system towards trajectory-based operations;
b) how ATFM can improve and evolve aiming a future trajectory-based operations;
c) how to improve civil-military cooperation and collaboration for the benefit of both airspace
users and to attend specific mission requirements; and
d) other ATM issues that are necessary to enhance the performance of the air navigation system
as a whole.

Agenda Item 3 Session 15b: Thursday, October 11th (14:50 – 15:30)

Agenda Item 3 Session 16: Thursday, October 11th (16:00 – 17:00)

Agenda Item 3 Session 21: Friday, October 12th (09:30 – 11:00)

Agenda Item 3 Session 22: Friday, October 12th (11:30 – 12:30)

Agenda Item 3 Session 23: Friday, October 12th (14:00 – 15:30)

Agenda Item 3 Session 24: Friday, October 12th (16:00 – 17:00)

Agenda Item 3 Session 39: Tuesday, October 16th (09:30 – 11:00)

Agenda Item 3 Session 40: Tuesday, October 16th (11:30 – 12:30)

Agenda Item 4: Implementing the global air navigation system and the role of planning and implementation regional groups (PIRGs)

4.1: The economic benefits brought by aviation
4.2: Implementing BBBs and minimum service Standards
4.3: Implementing ASBUs for performance improvement
4.4: Implementing search and rescue (SAR) processes and procedures

The Conference will be invited to put forward recommendations on:

a) how aviation can better contribute to a State’s economic development;
b) how PIRGs can improve contribution to regional development;
c) facilitating implementation of BBBs services and ASBUs elements; and
d) improving implementation of SAR processes and procedures.

Agenda Item 4 Session 35: Monday, October 15th (09:30 – 11:00)

Agenda Item 4 Session 36: Monday, October 15th (11:30 – 12:30)

Agenda Item 4 Session 37: Monday, October 15th (14:00 – 15:30)

Agenda Item 4 Session 38: Monday, October 15th (16:00 – 17:00)

Agenda Item 4 Session 47: Thursday, October 18th (09:30 – 11:00)

Agenda Item 4 Session 48: Thursday, October 18th (11:30 – 12:30)


Agenda Item 5: Emerging issues

5.1: Operations above Flight Level 600
5.2: Operations below 1000 feet
5.3: Remotely piloted aircraft system (RPAS)
5.4: Cyber resilience
5.5: Other emerging issues impacting the global air navigation system including unmanned aircraft systems (drones), and supersonic and commercial space operations

The Conference will be invited to put forward recommendations on:

a) the process and procedures to improve the management of operations above FL600 and below 1000ft;
b) the regulatory framework to enable the integration of RPAS in non-segregated airspace;
c) cyber strategies to reduce system vulnerabilities; and
d) any other emerging issues that may impact safety and regularity of the air navigation system.

Agenda Item 5 Session 41: Tuesday, October 16th (14:00 – 15:30)

Agenda Item 5 Session 42: Tuesday, October 16th (16:00 – 17:00)

Agenda Item 5 Session 43: Wednesday, October 17th (09:30 – 11:00)

Agenda Item 5 Session 44: Wednesday, October 17th (11:30 – 12:30)

Agenda Item 5 Session 45: Wednesday, October 17th (14:00 – 15:30)

Agenda Item 5 Session 46: Wednesday, October 17th (16:00 – 17:00)

Agenda Item 5 Session 49: Thursday, October 18th (14:00 – 15:30)

Agenda Item 5 Session 50: Thursday, October 18th (16:00 – 17:00)