Third Interregional Aviation Security and Facilitation Seminar


The 3rd Interregional Aviation Security and Facilitation Seminar was held in Cairo, Egypt, 13-15
October 2018. The Seminar was hosted by the Ministry of Civil Aviation of Egypt under the direction of H.E. Lt. Gen. Younis El Masry, Minister of Civil Aviation.

The Seminar was attended by a total of 59 participants from 15 States (Algeria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Egypt, Italy, Iraq, Jordan, Kenya, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sierra Leone, Spain, Sudan, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates) and nine international organizations/industries (ACAO, ASTC Toulouse, ASTC Tunis, DfT, ECAC, Interpol, TSA, UNHCR, and UNODC).

The Seminar achieved several important outcomes:

  • States and organizations recognized the leadership role of ICAO in coordinating and implementing the GASeP and respective regional roadmaps and agreed to continue coordinated work towards enhancement of aviation security by implementing the GASeP and respective regional roadmaps.
  • States and organizations underlined the need to implement an Advance Passenger Information (API) System and the various requirements to be adhered to.
  • ICAO Regional Offices emphasized the importance of the ICAO No Country Left Behind (NCLB) Initiative promoting capacity building and provisions of assistance to States with highest needs.

During the seminar and in celebration of the Inauguration of the new Aviation Security Training Center ASTC Cairo, Mr. Mohamed Rahma ICAO MID Regional Director and Mr. Luis Fonseca De Almeida EUR/NAT Regional Director awarded Capt. Ahmed Adel, Chairman of EGYPTAIR Holding, the Certification of ASTC Cairo as an ICAO certified AVSEC training centre.