
The first ICAO Aviation Data and Analysis seminar was organized and held at the ICAO EUR NAT Regional Office, from 4 to 6 April 2018. It was a joint event with ICAO EUR NAT Office, ICAO Headquarter and ICAO MID Office.

The objective of the Seminar was to bring together all stakeholders, [Regulators, Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), Aerodrome Operators, Aircraft Operators, International Organizations and Industry] to review the current situation and trends of aviation in the EUR/NAT and MID Regions, including the synergies between aviation, tourism and trade; and the understanding of the challenges and needs of the different stakeholders, considering the cost effectiveness. The use of civil aviation data analysis for planning and decision making in ICAO, national administrations, airlines, airports and ANSPs was also addressed.

The Seminar included presentations on the latest applications in data and analytics that are used for efficient decision making by different aviation stakeholders, as well as a number of discussion panels addressing interesting subjects such as: information systems to improve airline efficiency, economics of airports and ANSPs. The seminar was attended by representatives from 24 States, 8 International and regional Organizations as well as representatives from the industry.

The presentations of the seminar are available on the ICAO website at: https://www.icao.int/Meetings/ aviationdataseminar/Presentations/Forms/AllItems. Aspx