SKYTALKS: Live stream presentations from ICAO’s 13th Air Navigation Conference


Throughout ICAO’s ten-day Air Navigation Conference we will be live streaming 30-minute workshops that provide exclusive opportunities for not only our Secretariat to showcase our programmes and recent developments, but they will allow the industry to introduce their products and services. We’re sharing these presentations because they draw attention and support ICAO’s Strategic Objectives in the areas of Safety and Air Navigation and they help expand understanding on this area of the industry. 


We will have SO MANY great presentations to share here, make sure to catch all the ones you miss – recordings will become available as the sessions occur!

For optimum viewing, please note the latest version of Internet Explorer (IE), Chrome, Firefox and Safari are recommended.  If using a version of IE11 or earlier, you will need to open the live streaming from this YouTube playlist.  

SKYTALKS Session 1: Tuesday, October 9th (13:00 – 13:30)

Martin Maurino, Safety, Efficiency and Operations Officer at ICAO discusses ICAO’s Global Aviation Safety Plan


SKYTALKS Session 2: Tuesday, October 9th (13:30 – 14:00)

Cyriel Kronenburg presents Aireon and the Global ATS Surveillance Nearing Completion as well as the next generation support for ICAO’s strategic initiatives


SKYTALKS Session 3: Tuesday, October 9th (17:15 – 17:45)

Bill Voss, Senior Advisor to the Director of the Air Navigation Bureau, presents ICAO’s Trust Framework – Building a secure digital future on ICAO’s foundation of trust


SKYTALKS Session 4: Wednesday, October 10th (08:00 – 08:30)

Manoosh Valipour, Management Systems Analysis Officer, ICAO, presents The ICAO Catalogue of Safety and Air Navigation Indicators: A repository of indicators to measure aviation safety (ICAO)

SKYTALKS Session 5: Wednesday, October 10th (08:30 – 09:00)

Yuri Fattah, Programme Manager, ICAO, discusses disruptive technologies and its role in the democratization of the future of aviation


SKYTALKS Session 6: Wednesday, October 10th (09:00 – 09:30)

Rachel Daeschler presents ICAO’s Global Aviation Safety Oversight System (GASOS) Programme


SKYTALKS Session 7: Wednesday, October 10th (13:00 – 13:30)

Tim Adams, ICAO, presents ICAO’s Global Aviation Safety Oversight System (GASOS) Programme


SKYTALKS Session 8: Wednesday, October 10th (13:30 – 14:00)

Air Traffic Management: The new challenges

After a brief introduction of the Leonardo company the presentation explores the main challenges related to the Air Traffic Management and how they evolved, since the very beginning of Flight in the Da Vinci era to the latest strategic objectives of today, describing also the new solution under development, with a practical example of the R&D iterative and collaborative approach followed in the frame of the Single European Sky Initiative within the SESAR framework. Presented by Stefano Porfiri – SESAR Programme Director (Leonardo)


SKYTALKS Session 9: Wednesday, October 10th (17:15 – 17:45)

Resilient architectures: enhancing ATM business continuity

5 to 10 million euro worth of direct financial losses in just a few hours? More than a hundred thousand accumulated minutes of delay? Thousands of passengers stranded? News headlines for days? They are consequences of a few hours unplanned airspace unavailability.

The presentation will point out how ATM Systems can be designed to provide the highest resilience to the Network of Centers where they operate, using developed technologies to implement highly dynamic solutions. Presented by Oscar López & Enrique Castillo (INDRA)


SKYTALKS Session 10: Thursday, October 11th (08:00 – 08:30)

Stacey Syne presents ICAO’s Integrated Safety Trend and Reporting System (iSTARS), as well as news and updates on the well-known ICAO system


SKYTALKS Session 11: Thursday, October 11th (08:30 – 09:00)

Miguel Ramos, Technical Officer, Air Navigation Bureau, ICAO presents ICAO’s Global Aviation Safety Oversight System (GASOS) Programme


SKYTALKS Session 12: Thursday, October 11th (09:00 – 09:30)

Rodrigo Brenes, Academia Superior de Ciencias Aeronauticas (ASCA) Dominican Republic, presents Regional Safety Oversight Organization (RSOO)


SKYTALKS Session 13: Thursday, October 11th (13:00 – 13:30)

Martin Maurino presents ICAO’s Global Aviation Safety Plan (GASP) and Global Air Navigation Plan (GANP) –  how are they interlinked?


SKYTALKS Session 14: Thursday, October 11th (13:30 – 14:00)

Simon Li delivers VariFlight’s vision to achieve Aviation System Block Upgrades (ASBU) target by presenting China’s experience in A-CDM implementation and their exploration on fusion of satellite and ground ADS-B, as well as expectation on the future development of global civil aviation. With the introduction of AI technology and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in the aviation industry, it will bring more challenges to airspace management. The mission is to ensure the safety of UAVs in the airspace and the safety of the airspace itself.


SKYTALKS Session 15: Thursday, October 11th (17:15 – 17:45)

This presentation provides the industry’s vision of the challenges faced by the Air Traffic Management and the solutions enabled by the new technologies. Key trends to handle the growing traffic, improve safety, decrease aviation impact on environment and reduce operation costs will be described.

Benefits from new concepts and technologies developed in the frame of SESAR and other international initiatives will be addressed. Specific attention will be paid to the introduction of the digitalization and data based services as well as to cybersecurity measures. Presented by François Delille & Warren Beeston (Thales)

SKYTALKS Session 16: Friday, October 12th (08:00 – 08:30)

Yuchen Yuan, ICAO, presents ICAO’s API Data service and how to access all our safety and air navigation data easily


SKYTALKS Session 17: Friday, October 12th (08:30 – 09:00)

Olga De Frutos, Associated Technical Officer, ICAO, presents the ICAO’s Global Air Navigation Plan (GANP) 2019 Edition under development and the proposed process for decision making when selecting the ASBUs elements for improvement of the air navigation system


SKYTALKS Session 18: Friday, October 11th (09:00 – 09:30)

Paradigm Shift in AIS/AIM – Annex 15 16th Ed./PANS-AIM and what is needed next.

The presentation addresses the paradigm shift in AIS/AIM as it becomes applicable on 08.11.2018. It highlights the strengthening of data originators, the SARPs presentation for DQR in the Annex, and the aeronautical data catalogue in the new PANS-AIM as well as the aeronautical data process. Finally, the requirement for a new NOTAM System is addressed. Presented by Peter Rudolph – Founder and Managing Director (ASBU for Future)


SKYTALKS Session 19: Friday, October 12th (13:30 – 14:00)

BeiDou Satellites Application (HAIGE)


SKYTALKS Session 20: Friday, October 12th (17:15 – 17:45)

Wayne Osse, Chief Architect, Global Aviation And Transport, Solace, presents SWIM core messaging with Solace Accelerated Data Movement

SKYTALKS Session 21: Monday, October 15th (09:00 – 09:30)

Frédéric Malaud presents Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS)

SKYTALKS Session 22: Monday, October 15th (13:00 – 13:30)

Airbus implementation of Autonomous Distress Tracking and Post Flight Localization & Recovery components

In the frame of the industrial efforts towards putting into place a robust Global Aeronautical Distress and Safety System, Airbus has developed new aircraft equipment in line with the associated ICAO recommendations and local regulations. More specifically, this presentation will provide an insight on Airbus solutions for Autonomous Distress Tracking and Post Flight Localization & Recovery such as Automatic Deployable Flight Recorder (ADFR) and Emergency Locator Transmitter capable of Distress Tracking function (ELT-DT)  which will be implemented on Airbus long range aircraft soon. Presented by Claude Pichavant Senior Expert – Communication & Surveillance (AIRBUS)


SKYTALKS Session 23: Monday, October 15th (13:30 – 14:00)

Yuri Fattah, Programme Manager, ICAO, presents Higher Airspace Operations – way above our heads


SKYTALKS Session 24: Tuesday, October 16th (09:00 – 09:30)

Emma Neale presents Air Transport System accessibility and affordability – how connected are people to the aviation network. This presentation will discuss the current ICAO definition of accessibility and how an affordability model for the airline industry can contribute towards a better understanding of accessible aviation.


SKYTALKS Session 25: Tuesday, October 16th (13:00 – 13:30)

Lynn McGuigan, Technical Officer Cargo Safety, ICAO, presents Cargo Safety – Lithium batteries


SKYTALKS Session 26: Tuesday, October 16th (13:30 – 14:00)

Ruviana Zimmerman, Associate Analysis Officer, ICAO, presents Safety Information Monitoring System (SIMS): Connecting data to build safety intelligence.


SKYTALKS Session 27: Wednesday, October 17th (09:00 – 09:30)

Huanmei Yang, Air Navigation Bureau, ICAO, presents ICAO’s reporting portal. A unique and central platform to report safety related events.


SKYTALKS Session 28: Wednesday, October 17th (13:00 – 13:30)

Dunia Abboud, Associate Analysis Officer, ICAO, presents CAA Human Resource Tool: Analysis supporting the scoping of CAA inspectorate staff.


SKYTALKS Session 29: Wednesday, October 17th (13:30 – 14:00)

Yuri Fattah, Programme Manager, ICAO, presents Commercial Space Operations – The value of a harmonized global approach.