The Asia and Pacific Air Navigation Planning and Implementation Regional Group (APANPIRG) is a regional body of ICAO that was established to address air navigation planning and implementation matters in the Asia and Pacific region. APANPIRG is one of several regional groups under ICAO that facilitates coordination and cooperation among Member States in the region.
The Thirty-fourth Meeting of the Asia/Pacific Air Navigation Planning and Implementation Regional Group (APANPIRG/34) was held at the Hong Kong Civil Aviation Department (HKCAD), Hong Kong, China from 11 to 13 December 2023. Captain Victor LIU Chi Yung, the Director-General of Civil Aviation Department of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region welcomed all the delegates of APANPIRG/34 in the opening ceremony on 11 December 2023 and thanked ICAO for providing an opportunity for Hong Kong, China to host the Meeting.
The meeting was attended by 146 participants from 26 Member States, two Special Administrative Regions of China and seven International Organizations (ACI, CANSO, IATA, ICCAIA, ICAO, IFALPA and IFATCA). The Meeting was chaired by Mr. Kevin Shum, Deputy Secretary (Planning) Ministry of Finance of Singapore. VariFlight, DCH Engineering, PCCW Global, CETC Northwest, Aerovision, Searidge and Lacle Aviation were sponsors at the APANPIRG/34 Meeting.
The meeting reviewed, with great interest, the status of the progress achieved by States in terms of Beijing Declaration Commitments in the field of Air Navigation for the APAC Region using data from January 2018 to July 2023. There were 15 APANPIRG air navigation deficiencies closed by the Meeting that had been rectified by States in air traffic management, airspace safety and aerodromes operations and planning fields. APANPIRG/34 adopted 14 Conclusions and two Decisions on six Agenda Items. The meeting appreciated the work performed and achievements made by APANPIRG’s sub-groups during 2023. The meeting unanimously elected Capt. Manuel Antonio Lara Tamayo, Director General, Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines as the Chairperson of APANPIRG and Ms. Theresa Levestam, Chief Executive, Civil Aviation Authority of Fiji and Mr. HAN Kok Juan, Director General of Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore as the First Vice-Chairperson and Second Vice-Chairperson respectively for the next three-year terms.
The full report of the APANPIRG/34 meeting can be accessed here.