To ensure continuous and coherent development of the CNS parts of the Asia/Pacific Regional Air Navigation Plan (APAC ANP) and facilitate the implementation of CNS systems, the Twenty Fifth Meeting of the Communications, Navigation and Surveillance Sub-group (CNS SG/25) of APANPIRG was held from 18 to 22 October 2021 via video teleconference. The meeting was attended by 215 participants from 23 States/Administrations, 4 International Organizations and 28 participants from industry partners. Total 33 working papers, 26 information papers, 3 flimsies and 5 presentations under 14 agenda items were discussed during the meeting, which can be accessed here.
The meeting reviewed the outcomes of various contributory bodies of APANPIRG, which reported through CNS SG, including ACSICG, CRV OG, APA TF, ATMAS TF, SWIM TF, SRWG, SURICG, SURSG, DAPs WG, PBNICG, GBAS/SBAS ITF, adopted 13 decision/conclusions on technical matters, and endorsed four CNS related Draft Conclusions for APANPIRG consideration. In order to keep pace with new technologies, the experiences and applications of new technologies were discussed and shared, including big data analysis, artificial intelligence, A-SMGCS, digital tower, UAS implementation, etc. Furthermore, the CNS SG/25 meeting provided a platform to discuss any concern problems raised by States/Administrations like cybersecurity and invited HQ and other ROs to share their experiences with the Asia & Pacific Region.
The meeting also appreciated the hard work of the ICAO APAC Regional Office in organizing a total of 12 online meetings and 4 webinars on CNS related matters in 2021, and the active participation of all Member States during these meetings and webinars, which enabled this group to make significant progress in a number of important areas.
The full report of the CNS SG/25 meeting can be accessed here.