Let me open this by wishing warm wishes to all of our readers.
The air transport industry is not only a vital engine of global socio-economic growth, but also assumes an important role as a catalyst for economic development. With the Asia and Pacific Region now established as the world’s largest in terms of the total percentage of global traffic being managed, we must not lose sight of the fact that ICAO compliance, particularly in the area of safety and security oversight, is a fundamental requirement for this growth to be sustainable.
Among the most important resources ICAO has provided to help assist you in responding to challenges of growth, are the aligned objectives presented in our ICAO Global Plans for Aviation Safety (GASP), Capacity and Efficiency (GANP), in addition to the more recent Plan established for Aviation Security (GASeP). The 39th ICAO Assembly Resolution to implement a global MBM scheme in the form of the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA) is a significant step taken to reduce the environmental impact of aviation emissions.
This second issue of the ICAO APAC Newsletter highlights some of the major accomplishments of 2018 by the ICAO APAC Office. You will note that the region had seen more focus on implementation through capacity building and training activities and particularly, in consideration of the ICAO’s No Country Left Behind (NCLB) Programme, increased focus and attention was given to the Pacific Island States.
Over the past few years, we have witnessed an increase in Regional Cooperation by States and international organizations which we expect to continue in 2019. Further, the ICAO USOAP and USAP audit findings in respect of many audited States last year have indicated improvements in both safety and security oversight, which demonstrates the importance accorded by the States towards compliance with ICAO SARPs.
As we progress through this year, we know there will be challenges. While the need for increased support for Pacific Island States and their aviation needs is a major priority, the hurdle of budget constraints faced by the APAC Regional Office remains. Major improvements are needed in the areas of PBN implementation, air traffic flow management, cyber security, civil-military cooperation and certification of aerodromes.
Finally, I look forward to “Working Together to Ensure No Country is Left Behind” as we celebrate in 2019, the 75th Anniversary of ICAO and the global framework enabling international flight. Thank you.