Airport master plans support ICAO’s strategic objective of increasing the capacity and efficiency of the global civil aviation system, in which airport infrastructure plays a vital role. Precise and up-to-date planning and the provision of the right facilities at the right time enhance safety and reduce airport delays. The airport master planning process should be coordinated based on a systematic and consultative approach for the long-term development of an airport. The recently issued Amendment 15 to Annex 14 — Aerodromes, Volume I — Aerodrome Design and Operations, introduces provisions related to airport master planning to support airport capacity enhancements in a timely and phased manner to avoid significant congestion and delays due to capacity constraints.
To complement the provisions in Annex 14, guidance is being developed in the Airport Planning Manual (Doc 9184), Part 1 — Master Planning, to assist airport authorities in the complex task of preparing master plans for the development of existing airports and the construction of new ones. The guidance outlines the planning system and the development of long-term forecasts covering aviation operations, economic factors and other considerations involved in master planning. It explains the need for consultation and cooperative planning by all the agencies concerned, including aircraft operators, national and local government planners, government control authorities, national and local transport authorities, and aircraft and equipment manufacturers.
Updated guidance related to aerodrome capacity and efficiency that was published in 2021 includes the Aerodrome Design Manual (Doc 9157), Part 1 — Runways, which contains guidance supporting provisions related to reduced runway width, shoulders and strips. These enhanced specifications are expected to result in a more efficient use of land surface, particularly at aerodromes where real estate is at a premium. In addition, Part 4 — Visual Aids of Doc 9157 contains new guidance on: testing criteria for precision approach path indicator (PAPI) light units; the use of remotely piloted aircraft systems (RPAS) for measurement of PAPI settings; autonomous runway incursion warning systems; and the use of autonomous aircraft detection systems for the detection of obstacle lighting.
An ICAO – ACI Aerodrome Seminar on Airport Master Planning was held in ICAO Asia and Pacific Regional Office, Bangkok, Thailand on 29 – 30 June 2023. The seminar was attended by 121 Participants from 14 States/Administrations of Asia and Pacific Regions, Airport Council International (ACI), International Air Transport Association (IATA) and ICAO.
The theme of the seminar was “Airport Master Planning from the Perspective of Aerodrome Safety and Efficiency”. The seminar focused primarily on three technical areas: airport master planning, airport climate change resilience and airport innovation and airport design, construction, management and operations followed by questions and answer session. All materials of the seminar have been posted on the ICAO APAC Office website and can be accessed here.