Recognizing the APAC Ministers’ commitment through the Beijing Declaration (January 2018), to certify all aerodromes used for international operations by 2020, the Regional Office conducted the following associated activities:
- ICAO Aerodrome Safety Management including PANS-Aerodromes Course, 19 to 23 March 2018, APAC Office, Bangkok. The course was attended by 22 participants from five States;
- Technical assistance by the Regional Officer, AGA to the Civil Aviation Authority of Viet Nam and Airports Company of Viet Nam (CAV) from 26 to 30 March 2018 with regard to matters associated with safety oversight of aerodrome operations and certification of aerodromes;
- Visit of the AGA team from CAAV and ACV to the APAC Office to work with the RO, AGA from 2 to 10 July 2018 to prepare various documentation required for the safety oversight including certification of aerodromes in Viet Nam;
- COSCAP-SEA Aerodrome Certification Course, 17 to 21 September 2018, ICAO APAC Office conducted by instructors provided by the UK CAA International. The course was attended by 28 participants from 10 States;
- Special Breakout Workshop Session (involving Directors General) at the 55th APAC DGCA Conference, Fiji, 24 October 2018, to support States and aerodrome operators in the implementation of their Aerodrome Certification Plans;
- ACI-ICAO Aerodrome Certification Course, 19 to 23 November 2018, ICAO APAC Office, Bangkok. The course was attended by 27 participants from 13 States and two International Organizations (ACI and ICAO); and
- Workshop on Aerodrome Certification including PANS-Aerodromes for Asia and Pacific States, 3 to 7 December 2018, Nadi, Fiji hosted by the CAA Fiji and jointly conducted by ICAO and US FAA Subject Matter Experts in Aerodrome Certification and Safety. The workshop was attended by 24 participants from seven States.