Field Project Experts advise and assist in the development of systems and procedures to strengthen the oversight capabilities of the recipient States to meet their regulatory obligations as prescribed in ICAO’s Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) and the provisions of ICAO Annexes to the Convention. Their work contributes to the fulfillment of national, regional and international obligations and sustains the growth of international civil aviation systems. The Field Personnel Section of TCB oversees recruitment and deployment, and administers the contracts of more than 300 international experts and over 700 national staff and local personnel who directly support worldwide implementation of Technical Cooperation projects and programme field activities overseen by the Field Operations (FOS) and Procurement Sections (PRO) of the Technical Cooperation Bureau respectively.
A ROSTER OF 2,500 INTERNATIONAL EXPERTS of strategic importance is the recognition of the necessity to maintain the currency of TCB’s roster of candidates and make available, at short notice, a core team of experts to provide support to the States. The Field Personnel Section (FPS) maintains an active roster of over 2,500 international experts who have been screened, interviewed and confirmed to be qualified and ready for deployment. Through regular updates, the profiles of the roster candidates are confirmed to meet the requirements in specific fields of specialization advertised in the prospective posts. TCB runs the prospective posts throughout the year to offer applicants continuous opportunities for consideration and ensure consistency in the supply of qualified experts.
TCB experts have diverse, unique and specialized expertise in aviation, classified under the following broad administrative and technical categories in the roster: