There is still time to register for this important event: We want to help States address critical aviation priorities


Air passenger demands are expected to recover to pre-pandemic levels on most routes in 2023. Throughout the pandemic and the economic uncertainty that followed, the industry worked together to adapt to the ever-evolving new normal to ensure aviation is safe, secure and sustainable. With travel demands increasing, there has never been a greater need for collaboration, data-sharing, and digitalization across the network. The President of the ICAO Council, Salvatore Sciacchitano, highlights one way ICAO is working to build capacities and ensure aviation is sustainable in the future in this message:

Last year ICAO hosted the first Global Implementation Support Symposium that served as a platform where all aviation stakeholders could exchange information and experiences in line with the theme of Reconnecting the World: Runway to Aviation Recovery.   The GISS 2023 event, which will take place from 30 May to 1 June 2023, in Seoul, Korea, will expand this work to address: Working Together for an Innovative and Sustainable Global Aviation Community. This event, which is being generously hosted by MOLIT, the Republic of Korea’s Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, is, once again, combining three events into one: ICAO’s World Aviation Forum,  the Global Aviation Cooperation Symposium and the Global Aviation Training and TRAINAIR PLUS  Programme (TPP) Symposium.

GISS 2023 will highlight the latest digital tools, key initiatives, and collaborative endeavors that support aviation’s resilience, innovation, sustainable development and operational solutions. These topics will also be discussed as part of ICAO’s efforts to support the realization of the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals set in the UN 2030 Agenda and ICAO’s No Country Left Behind (NCLB) initiative. The programme will address how to:

  • Optimize the recovery of the global aviation sector;
  • Achieve a sustainable and resilient future for aviation;
  • Apply innovation in implementation support and training activities;
  • Foster partnerships for efficient and relevant outputs; and
  • Leverage ICAO support for global, regional and national aviation plans and ICAO SARPs implementation

ICAO’s Secretary General, Juan Carlos Salazar addresses the challenges the industry faced throughout the pandemic and looks to how these challenges provided some incredible opportunities for the industry. In this video he also points to how this event will showcase the potential in these new opportunities.

Interactive panels will focus on the theme of the Symposium and include discussions on how ICAO supports Member States in the implementation of ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPS), and global, regional and national aviation plans through innovative implementation support and training activities. The Symposium will also serve as a platform to unite current and prospective technical cooperation partners, TPP Members, and other industry stakeholders, including but not limited to: Ministries, Directorates General of Civil Aviation, international and regional organizations, high-level participants representing aviation service providers (i.e., air navigation service providers, airport operators, airlines), financial and development institutions, human resources departments, and project/procurement sections, and academic institutions.