States that have formalized new implementation support agreements with ICAO


Important new implementation support agreements were formalized during ICAO’s 41st Assembly to heighten implementation of the Organization’s safety, security and sustainability global plans, international standards, and guidance.

In meetings that were held parallel to the triennial global event, which concluded earlier this month, ICAO and aviation stakeholders signed a number of technical cooperation, training and assistance agreements with Barbados, Belize, Dominican Republic, Ivory Coast, Kuwait, Maldives, Paraguay, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates, that will be making important contributions to these objectives.

Through the new agreements that are shared below, ICAO will be able to provide an array of capacity-building services such as the provision of international experts in airport operations management, financial expertise, aerodrome certification, flight safety regulations, aviation security and air navigation services; as well as in the development of national aviation strategies and policies, the design and construction of an international airport terminal and an air traffic control tower.

Where standards development and related assistance and capacity building were previously seen as distinct priorities, ICAO is now driving a more integrated approach that will see consideration given to implementation support aspects from the moment research begins on new standards, practices, and policies.

Additional A41 agreements were also reached earlier during the event with the Republic of Korea on its financial contributions to support ICAO’s new Transformational Fund, and with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, for the No Country Left Behind (NCLB) initiative.

ICAO’s implementation support continues to be enhanced through the Organization’s implementation lead, the Technical Cooperation Bureau (TCB), in close coordination with ICAO’s technical bureaus and Regional Offices, prioritizing an interactive dialogue with States to better understand evolving situations, needs and priorities.

A focus on results-oriented programmes, projects, products, and other activities, and the optimization of all resource mobilization opportunities to benefit States will call upon ICAO to further strengthen its partnership endeavours.

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Organization: General Authority of Civil Aviation (GACA) of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Signatory Name and title: H.E. Abdulaziz Abdullah Al-Duailej, President of GACA

Title/Topic of Agreement: Management Service Agreement and a Project Document with the (GACA) on several topics, such as the recruitment and deployment of ICAO International Experts, the training of personnel, the possible procurement of goods and delivery of the services needed to support the activities of all active projects between ICAO and GACA.

Republic of Korea

Organization: The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MOLIT) of the Republic of Korea

Signatory Name and Title:Mr. Won Hee-ryong, Korea’s Minister of MOLIT

An agreement was signed to confirm the participation of MOLIT in contributing to the new Transformational Fund of ICAO, which is aimed at supporting the Organization in increasing its overall efficiency and effectiveness, including through the envisioned digital transformation of all aspects of its work, activities and operations, as detailed in the ICAO 2023-2025 Business Plan.


Organization: Dirección Nacional de Aeronáutica Civil (DINAC) of Paraguay

Signatory Name and Title: Mr. Félix Kanazawa, President of the Dirección Nacional de Aeronáutica Civil of Paraguay

This agreement will consolidate the technical, operational and managerial capacity of DINAC in the area of development of national strategies and policies, economic development of air transport, including the construction of a new International Terminal at Silvio Pettirossi International Airport previously designed by ICAO/TCB, a new Air Traffic Control Tower and ACC and updating of the Cargo Terminal.


Organizations:  Directorate General of Civil aviation (DGCA) of Kuwait

Signatory Name and Title: H.E. Sheikh Abdullah Ali Al-Sabah, President of the Directorate General of Civil Aviation of Kuwait

This agreement will provide technical and operational assistance to the DGCA of Kuwait through the recruitment and deployment of ICAO International Experts in areas such as Airport Operations Management; Financial Expertise; Aerodrome certification; Flight Safety Regulations; Aviation Security and Air Navigation Services.

United Arab Emirates

Organizations:   UAE General Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA)

Signatory Name and Title: Saif Mohammed Al Suwaidi, Director General GCAA

Agreement of Cooperation regarding the deployment of ICAO’s Implementation Support Programme for Safety Oversight Capacity Building (SAFE-CAP). This is an Annex to the existing Memorandum of Understanding between ICAO and the United Arab Emirates on UAE’s Technical Assistance Programme in support of the “No Country  Left Behind” initiative and the Aviation Safety Implementation Assistance Partnership (ASIAP)

Dominican Republic                                                                                         

Organization:  Instituto Dominicano de Aviación Civil (IDAC)

Name and Title: Dr. Román E. Caamaño, Director General of the Instituto Dominicano de Aviación Civil (IDAC)

This is an Agreement Project Document on the recruitment and deployment of ICAO International Experts mainly in the fields of Operational Safety, and Capacity and Efficiency of the Air Navigation System.  This master’s analysis evaluates and develops the multi-layered and interconnected processes in security management in the high-risk and technology-dependent world of aviation.


Signatory: Maldives Civil Aviation Authority

Name and Title: Ms. Aishath Nahula, Minister of Transport and Civil Aviation of the Republic of Maldives

Management Service Agreement regarding management and provision of services to support capacity building provided by or through ICAO.


Signatory: Civil Aviation Department of Barbados

Name and title: Ms. Tracey Forde-Bailey, Director of the Civil Aviation Department of Barbados

Management Service Agreement regarding management and provision of services to support capacity building provided by or through ICAO.

McGill University

Signatory: School of Continuing Studies of McGill University, Canada

Name and title: Dr. Carola Weil, Dean of the School of Continuing Studies of McGill University

This Appendix to the existing Memorandum of Understanding was signed by ICAO and McGill University, for the development and delivery of a training course on “Empowering Career & Leadership Development for Women”.