New training programme to accelerate aviation’s sustainable and resilient recovery


A new agreement between ICAO and the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS) today will see the global delivery of an aviation recovery and resilience training programme for aviation leaders, accelerating the restoration of air services through improving alignment with international best practices.  The agreement was signed in Singapore by ICAO Secretary General Juan Carlos Salazar and the Director-General of the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS) Han Kok Juan.

The training programme will target the Directors-General of Civil Aviation (DGCAs) of ICAO’s 193 Member States. CAAS will lead the programme development, while ICAO will contribute its subject-matter expertise and review the content. It will cover lessons learnt from the COVID-19 pandemic crisis, with a particular focus on aviation safety, sustainability, technology and cybersecurity.

“The launch of this programme holds the promise of a highly significant positive impact on the efforts led by governments and other stakeholders to accelerate and optimize the recovery of the global aviation sector, in particular through alignment with the internationally coordinated guidance developed by ICAO,” remarked Mr. Salazar. “The delivery of this content to the leadership and senior management level of civil aviation authorities worldwide will provide a significant boost towards achieving a sustainable and resilient future for air transport.”

“Singapore is deeply honoured to be able to partner with the ICAO in leadership training on aviation recovery and building resilience,” added Mr Han Kok Juan. “The partnership is a recognition of Singapore’s expertise and experience and testament to Singapore’s commitment to contribute to global aviation recovery and human capital development.”

The first delivery of the programme is currently scheduled to take place in Singapore on 18 and 19 May 2022, with further deliveries foreseen to take place later this year. The agreement provides for the delivery of the training at multiple locations worldwide to facilitate access to States in all ICAO regions.