Implementation highlights from ICAO’s Technical Cooperation Bureau


ICAO’s Technical Cooperation Programme provides advice and assistance in the development and implementation of projects across the full spectrum of civil aviation aimed at the safety, security, environmental protection and sustainable development of national and international civil aviation.

Each quarter, we highlight the different field projects and achievements of the Technical Cooperation Bureau (TCB) in implementing the TCP worldwide. For more information on TCB’s host of services and how to partner together in implementation, please contact

Safety Impact on Aerodrome Operations at Singapore’s Changi Runway Two

ICAO and Changi Airport Group (CAG) recently signed a new project for TCB assistance. TCB will provide technical review assistance to CAG as part of Changi’s Runway Two (RW2) construction. The technical review covers the potential safety impact on aerodrome operations stemming from settlements due to tunnelling works under an operating aerodrome. This implementation project is scheduled for completion by Q2 2020.

Enhancing India’s Ability to Implement Safer Airport Operations

TCB is enhancing India’s ability to implement safer operating at its many airports. The Bureau has, and continues to conduct, aeronautical studies for the Airports Authority of India (AAI). These studies assist AAI in assessing safety risks, especially in obstacle limitations near the airports studied.

ICAO Training Is Building Thailand’s Safety Oversight Capacity

TCB and GAT are providing safety oversight training to the Civil Aviation Authority of Thailand (CAAT) under a technical cooperation project. Thailand will benefit from the training provided and improve on numerous areas related to safety oversight responsibilities.

Cambodia Benefits from One-ICAO Assistance

ICAO is enhancing the safety oversight capabilities of the Cambodian Secretariat of Civil Aviation (SSCA) through a technical assistance project jointly financed by SAFE Fund and TCB. In a One-ICAO vision, TCB is working closely with ANB, the Regional Office, and COSCAP-SEA, to draft new civil aviation legislation, enhance Cambodia’s accident and incident investigation body, as well as to build capacity in the area of air navigation services.

Enhancing the Civil Aviation System of Somalia

TCB and industry partner, IOS Partners, recently signed a consultancy services agreement to develop the Enhancement of the Civil Aviation System for the Somali Civil Aviation Authority (SCAA). This project will assist the Federal Government of Somalia to reorganize and align SCAA’s current structure to meet Somalia’s obligations to the Chicago Convention, its Annexes, and relevant ICAO guidance material. This two-phase project is scheduled for completion in 2022. The successful implementation of this TCB project will empower the SCAA to meet Safety Oversight audits with confidence and to attain a robust and sustainable civil aviation system and regulatory regime.

Developing Civil Aviation Master Plans, Procuring e-Passports & Meteorological Equipment for Peru

TCB is working closely with the Government of Peru and its ministries and agencies on three key projects. The first project is to deliver a Civil Aviation Master Plan for the General Directorate of Civil Aviation (DGCA). This important roadmap will help Peru set its aviation goals and priorities, and aims to increase its overall USOAP results by 15%. The second project is to procure e-passports for the National Superintendence of Migration and the Ministry of External Relations. The new e-passports will ensure that Peruvians can travel to the European Union without visas. The third project is to procure meteorological and communications equipment for several airports managed by the Peruvian Corporation of Airports and Commercial Aviation (CORPAC).

Infrastructure Works for Silvio Pettirossi Airport in Paraguay

TCB is working closely with the Paraguay National Directorate of Civil Aeronautics on two different projects. The first is for infrastructure works and construction at the Silvio Pettirossi International Airport in Asuncion (ASU). The second project leverages TCB knowledge and expertise in developing national plans, policies, and strategies to consolidate technical, operational, and managerial capacity.

Implementing e-Passport & Secured Document Systems for Honduras
TCB is implementing in Honduras an integrated system for issuing e-passports and secured documents by the Instituto Nacional de Migración (INM). By assisting Honduras with new systems for e-passports and other secured documents, TCB is making a difference in improving identification and passports, making them more secure and resilient against forgery and manipulation.