ICAO and CAAi launch lockdown recovery course for aviation professionals


In accordance with the recommendations of the ICAO Council Aviation Recovery Taskforce, together ICAO Global Aviation Training (GAT) and CAA International (CAAi), the aviation training arm of the UK Civil Aviation Authority, have launched new training to enable the safe and secure restart of air operations.

Delivered in a virtual classroom by ICAO and UK CAA subject matter experts, the course will provide best practice advice to help regulators and air operators navigate oversight, compliance, training and operational challenges during the recovery period of COVID-19.

“Across the industry, aviation training will be essential to ensure professionals have the ability to navigate and manage the complex and dynamic compliance and operational challenges during the recovery period of COVID-19,” remarked ICAO Secretary General Dr. Fang Liu. “This course, delivered in partnership with CAAi will provide pivotal support and guidance during this critical period for the aviation sector.”

Richard Moriarty, Chief Executive of the UK Civil Aviation Authority said, “We are delighted to be working with ICAO on this critical initiative. Restarting air operations after lockdown is no simple task. As well as navigating complex logistical, operational, financial and political hurdles, the sector still needs to regulate, and comply with international standards. We are confident this course will provide the global aviation community with the regulatory guidance to restart air operations safely and securely.”

Registrations for the course are now open, the training is scheduled to begin on 3 August 2020.