Delivering the latest identity management and travel document systems in Honduras


ICAO’s Technical Cooperation Bureau (TCB) serves an important role in building a safe, secure and efficient global air transport system. TCB helps States to achieve SARPs compliance and delivers technical cooperation support through aviation project management; the provision of international and local experts; fair and open procurement of aviation goods and services; and managerial, technical and operational training of aviation professionals for today’s complex global aviation system.

A spotlight on aviation security

TCB has the technical know-how and experts to help States with the latest identity management and travel document systems, tools and training. Recently,  as part of continuing efforts to improve border and aviation security,  the National Institute of Migration in Honduras invited an ICAO mission, composed of Alberto Ramírez, an expert in electronic passports, and operations officer Connie Morales,  to visit the State.


Their work agenda began with a presentation meeting before the Vice-Chancellor, Nelly Jerez, from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Executive Director of the National Migration Institute, Carolina Menjivar.

The tour also included a visit by the members of the ICAO the Immigration Department. The department is responsible for the National Registry of Foreigners, the extensions of stay for foreigners, the issuance of the residence and special stay.

Continuing their agenda, the ICAO representatives, who visited the National Institute of Migration, learned about the functioning of the General Secretariat, which is responsible for receiving and processing applications.

The ICAO mission learned about the operation of the Migration Operations Center (COM) of the National Migration Institute, during their visit to Honduras. The COM exercises the operational control of all the Delegations at a national level located at border points, ports, airports and in internal control.

The Executive Director of the National Institute of Migration, led the welcome meeting for the mission of the International Civil Aviation Organization in the company of sub directors and managers.

The members of the mission, in company with the Honduran authorities, toured the different areas of attention to the citizens of the National Institute of Migration, to discover advances that the institution has made in the improvement of citizen attention, efforts which have been recognized by different sectors of Honduran society.