Ever wonder how that Standard came to be? There’s a Skytalk for that!


Every three years, ICAO’s 193 Member States and a large number of international organizations are invited to ICAO’s General Assembly where they establish ICAO policies for the triennium that will follow it. Technical, economic, legal and technical cooperation work programmes are reviewed in detail and the outcome is turned over to ICAO and Member States to guide their continuing work.

What happens here is really important, but so is the work that takes place behind the scenes to support it.

When new priorities are identified, the ICAO secretariat convenes panels, task forces, conferences and seminars to explore the best possible results and advice so new international standards and recommended practices can be established. We conduct educational outreach and auditing, develop coalitions and training and capacity-building activities worldwide based on the needs and priorities governments identify and formalize.

It is everything that happens behind the scenes that we want to share with you: the outcome, developments, new guidance, and requests for information. One of the ways we raise awareness is by bringing together subject matter experts who can share their insight.

Introducing Skytalks…

While the Assembly meetings were taking place, there were presentations being showcased on the sidelines of the Assembly. These presentations were 30-minute Skytalks that were followed by Q&A sessions that explored international civil aviation developments of importance to the greater aviation community. There were so many exciting topics covered, the list is extensive (60+ presentations!)…we’re sharing the links for all of them below.

In this list you will find presentations on the latest air transport product and process innovations, new insight into current air transport challenges, project and policy developments, and related opportunities. Aviation’s recovery, climate change, accident reporting, aviation’s mental health framework, route designators, counter-terrorism activities…even the FIFA World Cup is covered here!


Presentation Topic Presenter Description of the Skytalk 
Leading ICAO’s Transformation Through the Business Plan 2023-2025 Juan Carlos Salazar

ICAO Secretary General

The ICAO Business Plan 2023-2025 represents a transformative vision of ICAO’s work in support of the global civil aviation sector. In this Skytalk, the ICAO Secretary General will showcase the key elements and objectives of the ICAO Business Plan, as endorsed by the ICAO Council. Mr. Salazar will also lay out his vision of transforming the work of the ICAO Secretariat through a cross-cutting transformational objective that aims at a comprehensive shift in organizational culture, increased efficiency and effectiveness of internal operations through digital transformation and process improvement, as well as enhanced outreach to stakeholders, partners and donors.


Aviation and Environmental Outlook – Innovation for a Green Transition Jane Hupe

ICAO Deputy Director Environment

Under ICAO leadership, the aviation sector has made great progress towards its transition to a sustainable future, while successfully recovering from the traffic downfall caused by the COVID19 pandemic. This Skytalk provides an overview of the major efforts under the ICAO Strategic Objective on Environmental Protection and the milestones achieved during this triennium.


Thales: Innovation & Regulation: Moving Upwards and Onwards Benjamin Binet

Thales, VP of Strategy, Airspace Mobility Solutions

Innovation and regulation: a combination for the better. It is a fact that innovation in aviation has the potential to improve the safety, efficiency, security, environmental sustainability and economic development of air transport.
Innovations can lead to new, more efficient and effective aviation regulatory processes or simply to an evolution of aviation.
Conversely, regulation brings also new innovation challenges.
ICAO Traveller Identification Programme (TRIP) Christiane DerMarkar

ICAO, Traveller Identification Programme Officer

Effective implementation of the ICAO TRIP Strategy is essential in helping States optimize the economic, social, and political benefits of international travel and to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The TRIP Strategy also helps to manage security risks and to respond to threats at borders by enabling better targeting of resources towards persons of interest. The rapid pace and diversity of innovation is producing new possibilities in which traveller identification can be managed.


Overview and Status of Ratification of Key International Air Law Treaties Michael Gill

ICAO, Director, Legal Affairs, and External Relations Bureau

This presentation aims at providing an overview of the status of ratification of key international air law treaties as well as to explain the procedure related to the deposit of instruments of ratification with ICAO. It will also give an overview of the current tools available for States to assist them in the ratification of international air law treaties. Moreover, the presentation will launch the ICAO Treaty Event facilitated by ICAO’s Legal Affairs and External Relations Bureau which aims at providing States with special facilities in the margins of the Assembly to deposit instruments of ratification or accession.


Aviareto: The International Registry – How did COVID affect the industry? Rob Cowan

Aviareto, Managing Director

Almost all financial transactions on aircraft globally, are recorded on the international registry. This rich data source is explored to explain the three phases of the industry’s response to COVID. Also, civil aviation authorities can now use the international registry for free to do searches.


Report on the feasibility of a Long-term aspirational goal (LTAG) Dr. Neil Dickson

ICAO, Chief Environmental Standards Section

This Skytalk will focus on one of the most significant recent ICAO achievements in addressing climate change – the completion of ICAO Report on the Feasibility of a Long-term Aspirational Goal for International Aviation CO2 Emissions Reductions. This SkyTalk provides an overview of the work, the approach used and the highlights and high-level observations from the report, as background for the deliberations to be held on the LTAG during the  41st Session of ICAO Assembly.


Importance of Senior Leadership for an effective State Safety Programme (SSP) Daniel Vieira Soares

ICAO, Safety Management Technical Officer

Senior Leaders play an important role in managing and influencing safety at the State level. This Skytalk aims to encourage leadership at the senior level to ensure the benefits associated with an effective State Safety Programme (SSP) are achieved.


Aviation Satellite Account Sijia Chen

ICAO, Air Transport Officer

This presentation will introduce ICAO’s development of the methodological framework of “Aviation Satellite Account” for measuring an economic impact of aviation on national economy using an international-agreed standard framework.


Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA) Manuel Caballero Alarcón ICAO, Environment Officer (Market-Based Measures)

Manuel Caballero Alarcón

ICAO, Environment Officer (Market-Based Measures)

The Skytalk on the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA) provides an overview of the work undertaken by ICAO and its Member States on CORSIA implementation, with a focus on developments occurred since the 40th Session of the ICAO Assembly in 2019.
Assistance, Capacity-building, Training for Sustainable Aviation Fuels programme Dr. Bruno Silva

ICAO, Environment Officer

Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAFs) have the largest potential to reduce aviation’s impact on climate change. This Skytalk will provide an overview of ICAO’s initiatives to facilitate the further use of SAF, with a highlight on the recently launched “ICAO Assistance, Capacity-building and Training for Sustainable Aviation Fuels” programme (ICAO ACT-SAF), which aims to provide tailored support for States in various stages of SAF development and deployment, facilitate partnerships and cooperation on SAF under ICAO coordination, and serve as a platform to facilitate knowledge sharing and recognition of all SAF initiatives around the globe.
Reporting of Aviation Security Occurrences and Incidents Sonia Hifdi

ICAO, Chief, Aviation Security Policy

Incident Reporting Guidance and Taxonomy, a tool to assist States in their efforts to structure and harmonize the reporting process of AVSEC occurrences and incidents from the SG-ASIR Chair perspective.


The ICAO Workshop on Innovation Dunia Abboud, ICAO, Associate Analysis Officer
Gladys Mercan, ICAO, Associate Innovation Officer
The presentation will expose the ICAO Secretariat Strategy on Innovation and its implementation, which aims to support ICAO Member States and foster a dynamic innovation ecosystem for the overall aviation and innovation community.


Status of USOAP CMA evolution, operation and future plans Denis Guindon, ICAO, Deputy Director, Monitoring and Oversight
Junjian Nie, ICAO, Chief, Safety and Air Navigation
Welcome and vision of the Universal Safety Oversight Audit Program (USOAP) Continuous Monitoring Approach (CMA); Evolution of the programme and message on the role of data to support the continuous monitoring of States; Presentation of the general plan, streams of work, interactions amongst streams, management and expected operation.


ICAO’s Diversified Portfolio of Implementation Support Products and Services Daniel Souhami

ICAO, Field Operations Officer

This Skytalk will present ICAO’s diversified portfolio of implementation support products and services, which are executed through its Technical Cooperation Bureau. The presentation will highlight the different modalities in which Technical Cooperation is able to support States through an overview of different success stories.


The CAPSCA and Aviation Medicine Strategy Dr. Ansa Jordaan

ICAO, Chief Aviation Medicine Section
Dr. Rao Komarraju

ICAO, Technical Officer

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the need for a multi-sector multi-stakeholder coordinated approach to public health emergencies. The ICAO Collaborative Arrangement for the Prevention and Management of Public Health Events in Civil Aviation (CAPSCA) programme, has followed this approach since its establishment in 2006, but it was not always well supported by ICAO Member States. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the role of aviation medical experts in the management of public health emergencies. In this Skytalk the aviation medicine section will provide an overview of the framework, members and partners of CAPSCA, including the current governance structure. CAPSCA activities prior to, and during the COVID-19 pandemic will be discussed, as well as lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic. The talk will wrap up detailing new initiatives and future activities to strengthen CAPSCA and the aviation medical sector’s preparedness to respond to different types of health emergencies’ in future.


Startical (Indra & Enaire) – Satellite-based VHF Voice & Data Communications Juan José Cornejo

Startical, Director of Business Development, Director of International Relations

While there are currently other long-range communication systems, such as HF, satellite voice and controller to pilot data link communications (CPDLC) over SATCOM, available to facilitate communications between aircraft and ATC in remote and oceanic airspace, the performance of these current systems is not adequate to safely support close aircraft-to-aircraft separation in a similar fashion as to what is being applied in dense airspace where terrestrial VHF communications infrastructure is predominant. Therefore, this leads to constraints in airspace capacity and efficiency in oceanic and remote areas, where it is not practical to deploy VHF terrestrial infrastructure.


Aviation Security – Managing insider threat and building security culture Sonia Hifdi, ICAO, Chief, Aviation Security Policy
Eric Yatar, Transportation Security Administration, United States, Deputy Executive Director, International Policy & Programs; and Rapporteur of the ICAO Working Group on Threat and Risk
This Skytalk will introduce the aviation security global risk context statement. It will also address insider threat management and security culture in aviation security. In addition, we preview ICAO’s workshops on Insider Risk and Security Culture.
An overview of counter-terrorism programmatic activities by UNOCT Christine Bradley, United Nations Office of Counter Terrorism, Chief, Countering Terrorist Travel Section
Rachel Manis, United Nations Office of Counter Terrorism, Programme Management Officer and Head of TAM Programme, Special Projects and Innovation Branch
An overview of  United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT) aviation-related technical assistance and capacity building activities supporting Member States, provided at global, regional and national levels across all four pillars of the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy.
State Action Plans and assistance to ICAO Member States Deniz Kaymak

ICAO Associate Environment Officer

State Action Plans (SAPs) are a voluntary planning and reporting tool for States to communicate information on their activities to address CO2 emissions from international civil aviation to ICAO.  The State Action Plan Initiative enables all ICAO Member States to establish a long-term strategy on climate change for the international aviation sector, involving all interested parties at the national level. SAPs also enable ICAO to compile global progress towards meeting the goals set by ICAO for the international aviation sector. This Skytalk presentation will provide information on the overview of the State Action Plan Initiative, on why a State should develop a State Action Plan, ICAO assistance to Member States including the capacity building and assistance projects, and the next steps for the State Action Plan Initiative.


Qatar: Role of Airlines in supporting the State towards Environmental Sustainability Balaji Bindinganavile

Qatar Airways, Manager Corporate and Environment Affairs

The presentation provides an overview of the practical examples of how the airlines can contribute with the States’ efforts towards the environmental sustainability. This presentation provides a general overview of some of the projects that are implemented by Qatar Airways Group in alignment with the State of Qatar’s National Vision 2030 and the ICAO’s four pillar strategy on climate change.

The presentation also provides information on the airlines’ environmental achievements and its continued efforts to make the future of flying more sustainable. Qatar Airways Group has voluntarily adopted numerous programs to reduce their environmental impacts including adopting new technologies, dedicated fuel optimization programs, aircraft operating procedures which reduce fuel consumption, carbon offset programs, waste management and many more.


IATA: The Future of Safety Auditing: Risk-Based Approach to IOSA Serkan Simitcioglu


The IATA Operational Safety Audit (IOSA) Program is an internationally recognized and accepted evaluation system designed to assess the operational management and control systems of an airline.
The IOSA audit creates a standard that is comparable on a world-wide basis, enabling and maximizing the joint use of audit reports. This has saved the industry over 6400 redundant audits and continues to lead to extensive cost-savings for IOSA participating airlines. All IATA members are IOSA registered and must remain registered to maintain IATA membership. The IOSA program is transforming toward a risk based approach that will allow to concentrate audit resources where they are required most. This transformation will allow to achieve incremental safety improvements in the industry through a strengthened and modernized safety assurance process.
PCI on Implementation Support Policy Marco Merens

ICAO, Chief Intergrated Aviation Analysis Section

This Skytalk will present the new Implementation Support policy as approved by the ICAO Council during its 225th session,  aligning the management of the Technical Cooperation and Technical Assistance programmes, projects, products, services and activities.

A holistic concept for managing the ICAO implementation support is developed through the policy. The main objective of the Implementation Support Policy is to strengthen the coordination and management of the ICAO’s implementation support activities to better serve the needs of the Member States. The policy was developed with the aim of ensuring that the implementation support provided to States is consistent in content and delivery regardless of the source of assistance or the associated funding mechanism.


EMPIC: Safety Oversight Management Software: Innovation through cooperation Jörg K. Kottenbrink

EMPIC, CEO/Managing Director

EMPIC develops THE standard software for aviation regulators in the domain of safety oversight. Product innovation enhance the software regularly with two releases per year. But how are systematic innovations organized and how can configurability be the game changer for the aviation regulators?
The presentation highlights how the EMPIC user community works together (“built with regulators for regulators”) and how to differentiate between a tailor-made solution and a real standard software approach ensuring sustainability and independency for the aviation regulator – in combination with gaining synergies and standardization out of this special approach.
Why is Resource Mobilization Critical? Georgios Paltakis

ICAO, Partnerships and Resources Mobilization Officer

This Skytalk will elaborate on why Resource Mobilization is critical for securing resources to support States ensure that international civil aviation is safe, secure, efficient, viable and sustainable.


Sustainable Aviation Hub Cities Melvin Cintron

ICAO, Regional Director NACC Office

Sustainable aviation hub cities are a concept of how Small Developing States (SIDs) can take advantage of Aerotropolis concepts without the tremendous cost burden required for such endeavours. This concept provides SDIs with the opportunity to have socioeconomic development previously unattainable, as well as unprecedented economic advancement in a sustainable manner, which takes into consideration environmental impacts and resources to further enhance this development and use of their airports (new, multiple, or refurbished). The concept also allows States to be hubs interconnecting their region and continents, obtaining maximum benefits with minimum government budgetary and resource outlays. Additionally, it allows for the organized and structured growth and urban development of cities that provide the maximum benefit of the inevitable growth and jobs that are created in need of supporting the aviation hubs created under this concept, thus, enhancing middle-class economy with the best schools, clinics, businesses and opportunities for its citizens.


ICAO’s Subject Matter Expert Roster supporting Aviation Projects Grace Okungu

ICAO, Chief Field Personnel Section

This Skytalk will promote the importance of joining the ICAO subject matter expert roster and demonstrate how aviation specialists and experts contribute their capabilities worldwide, while supporting States during implementation of ICAO’s Standards and recommended practices, through capacity building projects.


FIFA World Cup 2022: The Power of 3Cs Mohamed Abubaker Farea

ICAO, Regional Director Middle East Office

The FIFA World Cup Tournament in 2022 will have significant impact on the airspace capacity in the MID Region, it was recognized the need for a collaborative action plan to accommodate the expected significant increase in air traffic,  safe and efficient manner, with the participation of all concerned States and stakeholders. The ICAO MID Regional Director will showcase the power of 3Cs; Communication, Coordination and Collaboration deepening the working relationships and building all stakeholders’ capacity to drive the successful preparation for the event.


UAE Initiative | Dangerous Goods Competency Validation certification course Khalid Hasan Al Hosani

GCAA, UAE, Specialist – Dangerous Goods

UAE Initiative | Dangerous Goods Competency Validation (COVAL) Certification Course for Training Instructor (DGTI) & Post Holder (DGPH).


ICAO Global Aviation Cybersecurity Framework Rashad Karaky, ICAO, Aviation Cybersecurity Officer

Anton Kornetskiy, ICAO, Technical Officer – Global Interoperable Systems

The session will present ICAO’s global aviation cybersecurity framework, and will discuss the different work streams in ICAO to support the protection and resilience of the civil aviation sector against cyber threats and risks.
ICAO and Innovation in Aviation Chrystelle Damar

ICAO, Strategic Planning and Regional Coordination Officer

Gladys Mercan

Associate Innovation Officer

The presentation will expose the strategy and the various activities carried out by ICAO to support its Member States and foster a dynamic innovation ecosystem for the overall aviation community.
International Aviation Trust Framework (IATF) Michael Goodfellow

ICAO, Technical Officer – Global Interoperable Systems

The session will present ICAO’s work on an International Aviation Trust Framework, and its components and will provide an overview of its benefits for the aviation ecosystem.


Interoperability of international health credentials for travel Dr. Cieran Carolan

ICAO, PKD Officer

Interoperability of international health credentials for travel – ICAO at the core of effective international collaboration.

To speak about the role of ICAO in working with the international community on the G20 and WHO pilot on health credential interoperability and the future of the ICAO Health Master List.


iPacks: ICAO Implementation Packages Supporting Capacity-building Needs Jose Riveros

ICAO, Training Officer

Dania Salam

ICAO, Training Implementation Associate

An iPack is a bundle of standardized guidance material, training, tools and expert support which aim to facilitate and guide the implementation of ICAO provisions for State entities and their personnel. This SkyTalk will explain all relevant aspects about this important ICAO self-contained packages and how they effectively support the States in their Capacity-building needs. This Skytalk will also present the importance of the iPacks for the States to be better equipped to solve current specific challenges related to their recovery and keep up to date with new technologies and important national, regional and global aviation initiatives.

The presentation will be done in English & Spanish.


The ICAO Air Services Negotiation (ICAN) Events Julie Zabrodska, ICAO, Associate Aviation Officer The presentation will provide information on the ICAN events and the benefits it offers to States as a central meeting place to conduct air services negotiations and consultations, as well as networking opportunities for policy makers, regulators, air operators, service providers and other stakeholders.


Business Aviation Commitment on Climate Change, Introducing Bombardier EcoJet Scott Malcolm Goobie

Bombardier, Engineering Fellow, Environmental Performance

Benoit Breault

Bombardier, Director, Research & Technology

Bombardier speaks on business aviation’s commitment on climate change and introduces Bombardier EcoJet
Training – Annex 9 — Facilitation Janet Chemeli

ICAO, Facilitation Officer

To enhance implementation of Annex 9 provisions and assist Member States build capacity ICAO developed relevant Annex  9 training courses. The presentation will highlight the relevant ICAO Annex 9 training courses and their aims and objectives, as well as the benefits to States, and how States can access these courses.


iPacks: ICAO Implementation Packages Supporting Capacity-building Needs Jose Riveros

ICAO, Training Officer

Dania Salam

ICAO, Training Implementation Associate

An iPack is a bundle of standardized guidance material, training, tools and expert support which aim to facilitate and guide the implementation of ICAO provisions for State entities and their personnel. This SkyTalk will explain all relevant aspects about this important ICAO self-contained packages and how they effectively support the States in their Capacity-building needs. This Skytalk will also present the importance of the iPacks for the States to be better equipped to solve current specific challenges related to their recovery and keep up to date with new technologies and important national, regional and global aviation initiatives.

The presentation was done in Russian and Arabic.


Passenger Data Exchange Steve Waterman

ICAO, Facilitation Officer

This presentation will explain how to implement Advance Passenger Information (API) and Passenger Name Record (PNR) systems as per Annex 9 – Facilitation provisions, highlighting the necessary regulatory framework to set up, describing API and PNR data content and format as well as their transmission protocols and detailing their use in an efficient border control management process.


The ICAO Aviation Mental Health Framework Dr. Ansa Jordaan

ICAO, Chief Aviation Medicine Section
Dr. Rao Komarraju

ICAO, Technical Officer

ICAO established the Mental Health Working Group (MHWG) to review the Mental Health Framework in aviation. The COVID19 pandemic effected everybody’s psychological well-being. With regards to aviation personnel, there were additional factors such as COVID-19 testing and quarantine requirements, risk of exposure due to travel, operational factors and the severe economical negative effect on the aviation sector, that contributed even more to their stress and uncertainties. ICAO’s High Level Conference on Covid-19 (HLCC 2021) recognized the importance of mental health during the pandemic and highlighted the need to accelerate the review of the Mental Health Framework. In this Skytalk the aviation medicine section will outline the measures recommended by ICAO during the pandemic to promote, assess and support psychological and mental wellbeing during the pandemic. Group (MPSG). The ongoing work on the Aviation Mental Health Framework will be discussed as well with the emphasis of building trust culture between all stakeholders within aviation. While mental health has always been considered important within aviation, the pervasive mental health effects of the Covid-19 pandemic have caused a shift in how to manage psychological wellbeing and mental health within aviation.


ICAO’s expanding catalogue of courses Pedro Avella

ICAO, Training Business Development Associate

This Skytalk will present ICAO’s Global Aviation Training activities, including the TRAINAIR PLUS Programme and its growing portfolio of ICAO standardized training packages. The presentation will highlight the different modalities in which ICAO can support States and International Organizations.


ICAO’s Policies on Charges and Funding for Aviation Infrastructure Development Sijia Chen

ICAO, Air Transport Officer

This presentation will introduce ICAO’s policies on charges for airport and air navigation services as well as ICAO’s work on funding and financing for aviation infrastructure development.


Innovative USOAP Continuous Monitoring Approach tools Tom Mistos, ICAO, Chief Oversight Support
Jimena Blumenkron, ICAO, Aviation Safety Officer
Mihail Peytchev, Programme Implementation Officer
In this Skytalk session we will be presenting the New ICAO USOAP Continuous Monitoring Approach Dashboard, the USOAP Continuous Monitoring Approach Community, and enhancements planned for the upcoming triennium for these new tools.
Risk-Based Safety Management and Data Eugene Mwendwa

MITRE, Senior Principal, Safety Strategy Partnerships

ARIA is a tool that can assist operators in risk-based decision making. We will review how ARIA helps manage operational risk and increase safety management through the timely review of safety encounters, using data to empower AI/ML, and drives toward shared safety intelligence.


International Codes and Route Designators – Use, benefits, & challenges Catalin Popa

ICAO, Technical officer ICARD Manager

ICARD (International Codes and Route Designators) is a database of 290,000 five-letter name-codes (5LNCs) and 16,000 route designators used for global air navigation. It allows States the reservation and allocation of 5LNCs used for the identification of significant points not marked by the site of a radio navigation aid and designators for ATS routes while ensuring uniqueness in compliance with ICAO Annex 11, Annex 15, and PANS-OPS. These 5LNCs end up on aircraft flight management systems (FMS).


Emergency Response Planning, Economic Measures and Assistance to Passengers Julie Zabrodska

ICAO, Associate Aviation Officer

Aviation is a sensitive industry, which requires careful and meticulous planned operations as any direct or indirect disruption could have significant and far-reaching adverse impacts. This presentation will introduce ICAO’s work on the subject of emergency planning and assistance to passengers in case of massive disruptions.


Annex 9 — Facilitation – Recent developments Arundhati Gupta

ICAO, Facilitation Officer

Annex 9 ― Facilitation to the Convention on International Civil Aviation establishes international Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) pertaining to inter alia, entry and departure of aircraft, persons and their baggage, and cargo; and communicable diseases. The presentation will highlight recent developments in Annex 9, notably provisions related to Passenger Name Record (PNR) data in line with United Nations Security Council resolution 2396 (2017), and health-related provisions.


The ICAO Automated Border Control Cost-Benefit Analysis Tool Dr. Cieran Carolan

ICAO, PKD Officer

The ICAO Automated Border Control Cost-Benefit Analysis Tool – Advancing cost-effective implementation of automated passenger processing.

Will introduce the Automated Border Control Cost-Benefit Analysis tool and its usefulness with the goal of raising awareness amongst the interested community.


Improving Aviation Security: ICAO Aviation Security Assistance and Training Fernando Coelho

ICAO, Assistance Coordination Officer

The objective of ICAO’s aviation and security assistance and capacity building programme is to support ICAO Member States to enhance global civil aviation security and compliance with aviation security Standards and Recommend Practices (SARPs).  Fernando Coelho, AVSEC Assistance Coordination Officer will explain the ICAO’s AVSEC Assistance and Capacity-Building Strategy, and how States can get support to addresses priority deficiencies and  enhance their capacity to address evolving threats and new security requirements.


Collaborative Approach to Implementation Assistance in the AFI Region Prosper Zo’o Minto’o

ICAO, Regional Director WACAF Office

The Regional Director will provide a brief description of the characteristics, aviation performance and challenges of the AFI Region, followed by a presentation of the collaborative framework established to harness synergies among the various stakeholders providing implementation assistance to States through a proactive coordination and harmonization of their activities. These include the ICAO Regional Offices, the African Union, the African Civil Aviation Commission, Regional Economic Communities, Regional Organizations and Institutions, Training Institutions, Partners and Industry. This collaborative approach greatly helps avoid unnecessary duplication of efforts and optimize the utilization of the limited human and financial resources available, leading to a more effective and efficient support to States’ efforts to ensure compliance with ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices, Policies and Global Plans provisions. In addition, to sustain the continuous improvement to the aviation system in the region, Mr. Zo’o Minto’o will advocate for enhanced support from financial institutions, partners and the donor community.


ICAO Language Proficiency Requirements – achieving standardization Catalin Popa

ICAO Technical officer/ICARD Manager

The obligation for language proficiency has its root in the Chicago Convention, article 33, requesting the flight crew to prove language proficiency. Furthermore, the ICAO standards and recommended practices covering LPRs are contained in: Annex 1 – Personnel Licensing; Annex 6 – Operation of Aircraft, Part I and Part III; Annex 10 – Aeronautical Telecommunications (Volume II); Annex 11 – Air Traffic Services.


New ICAO Aviation Data Analytics Dashboards Ananthanarayan Sainarayan

ICAO, Chief Aviation Data and Analysis Section

Xinyue Zheng (Shaelyn)

ICAO, Economics Assistant

This presentation will introduce, with a live demonstration, the new ICAO Aviation Data Analytics Dashboards developed for monitoring and assessing key trends in air transport due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The new dashboards encompass a wide array of analytics at different levels of granularity ranging from operations to financials, including evolution of passenger and cargo traffic, aircraft fleet usage, traffic by Flight Information Region (FIR), and revenue impact on airlines, airports and air navigation services providers (ANSPs).


The ICAO Public Key Directory: A vital foundation for future seamless travel Dr. Cieran Carolan

ICAO, PKD Officer

Will explain the importance of the PKD for future digital identity solutions in travel and PKD initiatives to enhance seamless travel.


Promoting gender equality is an ICAO goal Mayda Ávila

ICAO, Regional Officer Communications, Navigation, and Surveillance
Sereya Schotborgh

ICAO, Regional Officer Safety Implementation
Fabiana Todesco

ICAO, Regional Officer Aerodromes, and Ground Aids
Carla Cortes

ICAO, Administrative Assistant

This Skytalk will share ICAO’s commitment to advancing Gender Equality in the aviation sector and how it is supported by several initiatives within our organization, such as the ICAO Gender Equality Programme, where progress is enabled toward the aspirational goal of gender equality by 2030 and is promoted globally.

ICAO is proud to announce that the ICAO North American, Central American and Caribbean (NACC) Regional Office organized the first all-female ICAO technical assistance mission (TEAM) in ICAO’s history. The professional TEAM consisted of Mrs. Mayda Ávila, Regional Officer, Communications, Navigation and Surveillance (CNS), Mrs. Sereya Schotborgh, Regional Officer, Flight Safety Implementation (SAF), Mrs. Fabiana Todesco, Regional Officer Aerodromes and Ground Aids (AGA); and Mrs. Carla Cortes, Administrative Assistant.

In September 2022, the WE TEAM provided technical assistance to the Department of Civil Aviation  Aruba in preparation for the Universal Safety Oversight Audit Programme Continuous Monitoring Approach (USOAP-CMA).

This was a historic moment for ICAO, not only for having the first all-female team provide technical assistance to a State, but also showing leadership through the WE TEAM in breaking gender equality barriers in aviation in all perspectives and positions. This is a first in many more achievements to come.


Strategic management of aviation recovery & rebuilding a better future Barry Kashambo

ICAO, Regional Director ESAF Office

Aviation and related ecosystem remain to be critical to connecting people, transporting goods, and providing services that contribute to national economic development and the well-being of society. Throughout the over 70 years of ICAO’s existence, innovation has been an essential element of aviation evolution and development both at operational and technical levels. Following the devastating impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, on the aviation ecosystem, the recovery must be done in a focused and systematic manner, if a sustainable and resilient future is to be established. It is therefore prudent and essential that appropriate strategic management is adopted and performed to rebuild a better aviation ecosystem that is safe, secure, and able to stimulate economic development, support tourism and trade and connect society.


20 Years ICAO Universal Security Audit Programme – Progress & future outlook David Wilkinson

ICAO, Analysis and Quality Assurance Officer

20 years of auditing states: what has been achieved, progress made by States and by the USAP, benefits of the CMA, continuous improvement and what perspectives for the future?


Fitness to fly – aviation medical concerns Dr. Ansa Jordaan

ICAO, Chief Aviation Medicine Section
Dr. Rao Komarraju

ICAO, Technical Officer

The aviation medicine section is responsible for all aspects of health of aviation personnel, including health promotion, medical certification, providing support and developing guidance to promote flight safety. In this Skytalk, the ICAO aviation medicine section will discuss the elements of decision-making for medical fitness to fly in accordance with the ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs). It will include a visualization of the integration of various ICAO Annexes, several ICAO Manuals, latest scientific developments State best practices and industry initiatives concerning medical fitness. The process of developing SARPs and associated guidance material will be briefly outlined. Current and future activities will be discussed, highlighting concerns to be addressed as a matter of priority.


Health dimension – HLCC and TF-HIOA Anthony Frederick

ICAO, Technical Officer

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, ICAO has been acting as the main forum for States and relevant international organizations to share, develop and promote relevant guidance to facilitate the restart and recovery of civil aviation from the pandemic as well as a resilient future civil aviation. The presentation will highlight some of the key facilitation-related activities to support the restart and recovery of civil aviation from the COVID-19 pandemic and to facilitate a resilient future civil aviation, including the establishment of an ad-hoc task force on health issues outbreaks in aviation and the outcomes of the Facilitation Stream of the High-level Conference on COVID-19.


ICAO Long-term Traffic Forecasts Behzad Taghipour

ICAO, Associate Aviation Officer

This session provides an overview of the development of ICAO long-term traffic forecasts and post-COVID-19 scenarios. Additionally, results and outlook of air traffic in the next 30 years will be presented.


Promover la igualdad de Genero, es una meta de OACI Mayda Ávila

ICAO, Regional Officer Communications, Navigation, and Surveillance
Sereya Schotborgh

ICAO, Regional Officer Safety Implementation
Fabiana Todesco

ICAO, Regional Officer Aerodromes, and Ground Aids
Carla Cortes

ICAO, Administrative Assistant

Esta charla Skytalk tratará sobre el compromiso de la OACI con el avance en igualdad de género en el sector de la aviación y su apoyo con varias iniciativas dentro de nuestra organización, como el Programa de Igualdad de Género de la OACI, que favorece progresos hacia el objetivo ambicioso en igualdad de género para 2030, promovido globalmente.

La OACI anuncia orgullosamente la primera misión de asistencia técnica (TEAM) integrada exclusivamente por mujeres en la historia de la OACI, enviado por la Oficina Regional para Norteamérica, Centroamérica y Caribe. La TEAM contó con las Especialistas Regionales: Sra. Mayda Ávila, Comunicaciones, Navegación y Vigilancia (CNS), Sra. Sereya Schotborgh, Implementación de la Seguridad Operacional (SAF), Fabiana Todesco, Aeródromos y Ayudas Terrestres (AGA), y la Asistente Administrativa, Sra. Carla Cortés.

En septiembre de 2022, la misión WE TEAM brindó asistencia técnica al Departamento de Aviación Civil de Aruba en preparación para el Programa Universal de Auditoría de la Vigilancia de la Seguridad Operacional Enfoque De Observación Continua (USOAP-CMA).

Este fue un momento histórico para la OACI, al tener el primer equipo exclusivamente femenino brindando asistencia técnica a un Estado y al mostrar liderazgo a través de WE TEAM para romper barreras en igualdad de género en la aviación, en todas las perspectivas y posiciones. Este es el primero de muchos más logros por venir.


How To Best Market Your Aviation Achievements Roy Abdo

CEO of Digital Revamp Marketing and Advertising

As a member state or industry player, your online presence is key to advance your influence, document your achievement and footprint in the aviation industry.
Strategic communication, media distribution, online engagement and thought leadership becomes essential tools to cut through the media noise. • How to build an effective digital communication strategy connecting the various disciplines
• How to empower your executive’s online presence to increase their influence
• How to build an online following and ensuring a significant impact on your communities
• How to leverage ICAO media, video, and content to empower your media effort
Aviation Competitiveness Index Antonin Combes, ICAO, Aviation Data Analysis Officer This Skytalk presents the work of the Aviation Competitiveness Working Group (ACWG) established by the Third meeting of the Aviation Data and Analysis Panel (ADAP/3). The ACWG is tasked with the development of methodologies and data sources to arrive at a global aviation competitiveness index. The index will be used to measure the ability of a State to create and maintain value from its civil aviation sector.