SKY TALKS: Performance-based navigation (PBN) is the path of the future


Air navigation procedures help ensure the safe, orderly flow of air traffic. As air travel is expected to double in the next few years, there is a greater need for a high level of navigational accuracy that is reliable.

Performance-based navigation (​PBN) is helping the global aviation community achieve multiple objectives:

  • Reduce aviation congestion
  • Reduce fuel consumption by 1-2% per flight (1% reduction in fuel represents $600M USD in savings)
  • Protect the environment
  • Reduce the impact of aircraft noise
  • Maintain reliable, all-weather operations

Currently, 109 States have PBN implementation plans, covering 60% of the world’s international runways.

Watch Ian Knowles, Technical Officer at ICAO, describe what performance-based navigation is and what it can do:

ICAO will be releasing a new guide,  How to obtain Performance-Based Navigation Operational  Approval. This is the first guide of its kind that ICAO is releasing, and it will facilitate the use of PBN content. It will be online only and will include interactive components such as a unique assessment tool. For more information, please email us.

Download the presentation slides here.