A common aeronautical virtual private Network (CRV) can be thought of as a secure, private internet for aviaion. It allows different aviation organizations, like airlines, air traffic control, and airports, to share important information quickly and safely. Instead of each organization having its own separate network, they all use a common, shared system. It helps everyone stay connected and improves communication, making flying safer and more efficient.
ICAO’s Bangkok Office organized the ICAO APAC CRV Seminar for the Pacific States on 22 January 2024 and the Twelfth Meeting of the Common aeRonautical Virtual Private Network Operations Group of APANPIRG (CRV OG/12) from 23-26 January 2024. The workshop highlighted the significance and necessity of CRV network implementation by Pacific States for improved ATS Connectivity in the APAC region and deliberated on the issues faced by Pacific States along with potential solutions for enhanced ATS connectivity. Six States, namely Cook Island, France, Kiribati, Samoa, Tonga, and the USA, shared their current ATS infrastructure, constraints/issues, and desired enhancements. Tonga shared its strong desire to join CRV. In addition, the CRV Service Provider, PCCW Global, presented the price for CRV packages for all Pacific Islands and shared their new offer and technical equipment details to encourage Pacific States to join CRV.
The CRV OG/12 meeting reviewed the CRV implementation of APAC Member States/Administrations to optimise the cost benefits of all stakeholders within the timelines. The Meeting discussed CRV OG Reference documents, the requirement of CRV for SWIM subscribers, CRV contract management, interregional IP network connections, and cyber-safety/security and resilience issues.
To access more information on the CRV OG in APAC click here.