ICAO Liaison Officer for Pacific Small Island Developing States to be based in Fiji 


A significant milestone in ICAO’s commitment to enhance support for the Pacific Small Island Developing States (PSIDS) has been reached, with the Government of Fiji and ICAO agreeing to the establishment of an ICAO Liaison Office for PSIDS in Nadi, Fiji.

The agreement was signed by Fjii’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Tourism and Civil Aviation, the Hon. Viliame Gavoka (pictured centre right), and the Secretary General of ICAO, Juan Carlos Salazar (pictured centre left), at the ICAO Global Implementation Support Symposium, which is currently taking place in Seoul.

A dedicated ICAO Liaison Officer will play a vital role in fostering collaboration, providing technical assistance, and addressing the unique aviation challenges faced by these countries.

“We are delighted to formalize this agreement with the Government of Fiji, which demonstrates our shared commitment to strengthening aviation cooperation and support for the Pacific Small Island Developing States,” remarked Secretary General Salazar. “The ICAO Liaison Officer based in Nadi will serve as a focal point for enhancing communication, providing tailored assistance, and addressing the specific needs of the PSIDS in line with ICAO’s global and regional objectives.”

By establishing a physical presence in Nadi, ICAO aims to facilitate closer collaboration with the PSIDS, providing targeted assistance and expertise to address their unique aviation requirements.

Today’s agreement also reinforces the commitment of both parties to foster closer cooperation and implementation of implementation support initiatives to enhance aviation safety, security, and sustainability, helping to ensure the sustainable development of aviation in the region.