Though we are a month into 2020, I still want to extend our warmest wishes to all of you for a very successful new year. 2019 has been very significant for everyone in the APAC region and I would like to take the opportunity to highlight briefly the activities undertaken by the ICAO APAC Regional Office in 2019, as well as the priorities for 2020.
2019 Highlights included:
- ICAO APAC Office successfully coordinated and supported the conduct of the PSIDS Aviation Needs Analysis Study. The study highlights the challenges faced by the Pacific SIDS and lays down a series of recommendations aimed at various stakeholders.
- Under the No Country Left Behind initiative, the APAC Office conducted 13 Combined Action Team (Safety) technical assistance missions which have been very beneficial in enhancing the engagement of ICAO with States as well as improving the average Safety EI from 61.9% (Nov 2018) to 64.18% (Dec 2019).
- APAC Office conducted a major triennial update of the Asia/Pacific Seamless ANS plan, incorporating updated regional elements and alignment with the GANP.
- Promoted the effective implementation of CIVMIL Cooperation, emphasizing Flexible Use of Airspace through a series of in-country CIVMIL Cooperation workshops.
- In pursuit of the ICAO SWIM provisions agenda, developed the Regional SWIM Implementation Philosophy & APAC SWIM Roadmap and education video.
- Developed the APAC Regional Guidance on Requirements for the Design and Operations of Water Aerodromes for Seaplane Operations.
- For the first time, the ICAO APAC Office conducted seven (7) Combined Action Team – Aviation Security technical assistance missions providing onsite support to the APAC States in building their regulatory aviation security oversight capabilities and effective operational implementation of the requirements of Annex 17, thus enhancing these States’ efforts to reach the aspirational targets as set out in the Global Aviation Security Plan (GASeP).
Main priorities for 2020:
- The APAC Regional Office will endeavor to be further aligned with the global plans (GASP, GANP, and GASeP) to address Regional implementation issues.
- Continuous monitoring, tracking and supporting States’ performance towards the implementation of the Beijing Civil Aviation Ministerial Conference commitments.
- To keep up the momentum for implementation of the recommendations stemming from the PSIDS Aviation Needs Analysis Study.
- A strong focus will be given towards resolving the remaining APAC SSC/SSeCs as well as increased capacity-building activities
- Emphasis would be given in resolving the AKARA Corridor safety issues, continuing the efforts to validate the description of FIRs in the APAC RANP/eANP and coordinating the update of the Seamless ANS reporting and monitoring system (on iSTARS) in light of the new ASBU elements in the 6th Edition of the GANP.
- Organizing the 2nd APAC Civil Aviation Ministerial Conference in 2020 and developing the associated ministerial declaration document.
Finally, to improve the efficiency and further strengthening synergies of the Regional Office meetings, a combined APANPIRG/31 and RASG-APAC/10 meeting would be held for the first time in September 2020 whereby the participants from both groups will attend the opening and closing plenary sessions together and will also meet separately in parallel to discuss matters in their own stream.
I look forward to your support in continuing our good work and… safe travels in 2020!