Aviation security innovation: the latest and greatest

ICAO is convening its third annual Global Aviation Security Symposium (AVSEC2019) at ICAO Headquarters in Montréal, Canada, from 18 to 19 September 2019.


In September 2019 the world’s most prominent aviation security administrations and bodies will come together to take important, determined steps forward in the field of aviation security. The present threat environment is more dynamic, diverse and challenging than ever before, and the security measures that will be defined must be effective, efficient, operationally viable and economically sustainable.

An interactive exhibition will be set up outside the meeting hall with representatives from States, manufacturers, airports, airlines, and other related industries.

AVSEC2019 will provide a unique opportunity for participants to request private meetings with delegates from other States, civil aviation and airport authorities, stakeholders and industry leaders through ICAO’s Meeting Service Platform.

Following the two-day AVSEC2019 event, ICAO will host an Industry Engagement Day on ​20 September 2019. The workshops that will be held on this day will draw from the preceding panel discussions on aviation security best practices in sessions that will cover security cultures, security management systems, cybersecurity awareness and other current topics. Presentations and group exercises will be led by subject-matter experts who will provide participants with the best practices for developing behaviour change campaigns and tools to implement a positive security culture within their organization.

Robust security cultures are an essential component of protective security regimes, helping to support and maintain risk-resilient organizations that mitigate both insider and external threats.

Air traffic management (ATM) is comprised of a complex system of systems that are traditionally characterized by custom communication protocols and self-contained systems used for exchanging information between entities, which include aircraft, air traffic control, aerodrome control towers, aircraft operators and flow managers.

The digital transformation of ATM is ongoing and involves the development of new operational concepts leveraged by optimizing the sharing and use of digital data and increasing the connectivity of disparate systems to deliver enhanced ATM system performance cost-effectively, while maintaining or improving safety levels. This transformation may, however, result in the ATM system being more vulnerable to cyber-attacks than before, due to increases in the attack surface resulting from the system’s inherent complexity and heterogeneity, combined with the integration of new systems, networks, and services.

These are just some of the topics. ICAO is bringing together a select group of key policy and decision-makers from States, stakeholders and industry partners​ to participate in roundtable discussions and interactive dialogues. In these interactive seminars, participants will discover the necessary components in building, implementing and maintaining a strong security culture.

Can’t be in Montréal for this event? We will be live-streaming the Symposium as it is taking place at ICAO Headquarters. You can follow the broadcasts you are most interested in by subscribing below.