This is the ultimate air traffic management publication bundle


ICAO’s ultimate 2-in-1 package combines the Air Traffic Management and Annexes to the Convention on International Civil Aviation bundles and includes one-year updates to all 16 publications in the ATM bundle and Annexes 1-19.

Available on the ICAO Store, customers will save 22% by purchasing the ultimate 2-in-one bundle as opposed to buying the two bundles separately. These are samples of what this package includes:

  1. Procedures for Air Navigation Services (PANS) – Air Traffic Management (Doc 4444): The latest edition of Doc 4444 was released in 2016 and is available in ICAO’s six official languages. The procedures included in Doc 4444 complements the Standards and Recommended Practices contained in Annexes 2 and 11. They also specify the actual procedures to be applied by air traffic services units in providing the various air traffic services to air traffic.
  2. The latest edition of Annex 12 (Search and Rescue) was released in 2004. A three-part Search and Rescue manual complements Annex 12. The Search and Rescue manual deals with SAR organization, management and procedures, setting forth the provisions for establishing, maintaining and operating search and rescue services by the ICAO Contracting States in their territories over the high seas. Annex 12 details the organization and cooperative principles appropriate to effective SAR operations, outlines necessary preparatory measures and sets forth proper operating procedures for SAR services in actual emergencies. In 1946, the proposals for Annex 12 were made and by 1951, they had been reviewed and revised to meet international civil aviation requirements. They were embodied as Standards and Recommended Practices in the first edition of Annex 12.
  3. Annex 6 contains three parts: International Commercial Airport Transport and International General Aviation for aeroplanes, and International Operations for helicopters. Part 1 addresses flight operations, performance operating limitations, aeroplane instruments, equipment and flight documents, and more. It also includes Amendment 44, 45, 46, and Corrigendum to Amendment 44. Part 2 addresses flight preparation and in-flight procedures, performance operating limitations, aeroplane instruments and equipment and includes Amendments 37, 38 and Corrigendum 1. Part 3 includes the Standards and Recommended Practices in Annex 6 that apply to all helicopters engaged in international commercial air transport operations or international generation aviation operations.
  4. Annex 10 – Aeronautical Telecommunications contains five volumes: Radio Navigational Aids, Communication Procedures including PANS status, Communication Systems, Surveillance Radar and Collision Avoidance Systems, and Aeronautical Radio Frequency Spectrum Utilization. 
  5. Annex 14 – Aerodromes contains two volumes: Aerodromes Design and Operations and Heliports. The first volume includes Standards and Recommended Practices (specifications) that prescribe the physical characteristics and obstacle limitations surfaces provided at aerodromes. It also contains Amendments 15 and 16. The second volume includes the Standards and Recommended Practices (specifications) that prescribe the physical characteristics and obstacle limitation surfaces provided at heliports.

By purchasing this package, users will receive subsequent updates to each publication automatically, and they will always be up-to-date. To learn more about ICAO’s ultimate 2-in-1 bundle, click here.