Aéro Montréal hosts ICAO: A live discussion on the development of civil aviation and global air connectivity


Like Aéro Montréal’s Facebook page for a fascinating video discussion on the role of ICAO and other international aviation bodies in the development of civil aviation and global air connectivity! It started at 12.15pm Eastern.

This live webinar : International aviation organizations, role and mission (ICAO, IATA, ACI, IFALPA). Don’t miss this opportunity to ask your questions live directly on the Facebook page. If you encounter difficulties in viewing the below video, it helps to refresh the page.

Today’s webinars will include:

1-Introduction by : Mr. Anthony Philbin from International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
2-From International Air Transport Association (IATA) – Mona Aubin
3-From Airports Council International (ACI) World – Antoine Rostworowski
4-From International Federation of Air Line Pilots’ Associations (IFALPA) – Captain Ron Abel