Don’t miss the 2021 ICAO Stocktaking on aviation in-sector CO₂ emissions reductions event!


The post-pandemic green recovery continues to be a pressing topic as international travel picks up. It will be one of the many subjects explored at the 2021 ICAO Stocktaking event, making it one of the most important events of the year for decarbonizing aviation. Leaders in sustainable development in aviation are uniting to discuss environmental solutions and policy for the aviation sector while having a clear goal in mind: to set a clear decarbonized path forward. 

The 2021 ICAO Stocktaking event will be held from August 31 to September 3, 2021. The event will build on the 2020 ICAO Stocktaking event with its success in displaying over 100 innovative solutions for a future without CO₂ emissions. Seminars and panels from aeronautical pioneers, industry leaders, technical experts, researchers, innovators, and civil society advocates will discuss a roadmap for a decarbonized future. Additionally, States are invited to introduce their plans, both concrete, and ambitious, to reduce international aviation emissions. 

The advantages of participating in the event include:

  • Taking part in ICAO’s process of exploring the possibility of a long-term aspirational goal for international aviation.
  • Building partnerships with stakeholders from the aviation community.
  • Learning about the latest initiatives and innovations in sustainable aviation.

The event will conclude with Green Policy Day, a day that will feature high-level interventions to discuss the future of sustainable aviation and will discuss the feasibility of the long-term goals set for the 2022 ICAO Assembly. The exploration of such long-term goals and roadmaps can be viewed from ICOA Pre-Stocktaking Webinars. Webinars topics include the electrification of aviation and synthetic fuels for aviation. All four webinars can be seen here on ICAO TV.

Those who are interested in contributing to the Stocktaking process are invited to fill in the online questionnaire here or by emailing