How can the aviation industry make better projections and benchmark performance?


Informed decision-making is the foundation upon which successful businesses are built. In a fast-growing industry like aviation, planners and investors require the most comprehensive, up-to-date, and reliable data. ICAO’s aviation data/statistics programme provides accurate, reliable and consistent aviation data so that States, international organizations, aviation industry, tourism and other stakeholders can:

    • make better projections;
    • control costs and risks;
    • improve business valuations; and
    • benchmark performance

The United Nations recognized ICAO as the central agency responsible for the collection, analysis, publication, standardization, improvement and dissemination of statistics pertaining to civil aviation. Because of its status as a UN specialized agency, ICAO remains a trusted independent source of aviation data. ICAO is committed to consistently offer comprehensive and objective data.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, ICAO has been working with States, other UN agencies, development banks, the industry and other partners, to deliver data and analysis that supports decision-making during the crisis. The pandemic outlined more than ever the critical need for reliable aviation data and analysis.

These are some of the partners ICAO provided aviation data to:

  • Provision of Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) data to the United States Federal Aviation Administration
  • Past and forecast of aviation traffic to the US Energy Information Administration (EIA)
  • Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) of Turkey for the development of COVID-19 impact dashboards
  • General data to the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) of Australia, in quality of co-chair of the ICAO APAC Safety Reporting Working Group
  • Committee for the Coordination of Statistical Activities (CCSA) of the United Nations to produce a report highlighting a wide range of statistics on how the COVID-19 crisis is changing the world
  • Aviation personnel, flight distances and routes to the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR)
  • World Food Programme (WFP)
  • Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) for the provision of aviation statistics for the System of Environmental Economic Accounting (SEEA) on estimating CO2 emissions related to air transport
  • Aviation system performance, connectivity, traffic trends for the Sustainable Mobility for All (Sum4All) of the World Bank
  • Monthly aviation statistics for the Monthly Bulletin of Statistics of the United Nations
  • World Bank

The iCADS Portal

ICAO’s Civil Aviation Data Solutions portal holds the most complete and up-to-date aviation data. The portal, with its 89 different applications, data solutions, geographic information services, documents and research-sharing, was built with the needs of the aviation industry in mind, integrating the entirety of data, business intelligence products and a selection of curated ICAO reports and documents.

The iCADS portal provides immersive and holistic access to ICAO’s portfolio of applications; allowing users to access the multitude of datasets, as well as the business intelligence solutions provided by ICAO.

Below we are spotlighting some of the data collections that are available on the iCADS Portal. For the complete portfolio of data tools, click here.

Aero Tariffs


The Aero Tariffs platform considers the standard, unique airport charges and special conditions to generate a real-time cost estimate/benchmarking results. It provides up-to-date Airport Charges and Air Navigation Service Charges information in a pdf format. Based on the selected flight route, it generates a GIS/FIR map for calculating Air Navigation Service Charges and it provides the capacity to export the results in .xlsx or pdf format.

Air Services Agreements (WASA)


WASA is an on-line database that contains the actual texts of bilateral agreements and amendments in languages available. Documents are filed by Member States in accordance with Article 83 of the Chicago Convention. Alternatively, agreements and amendments are integrated from other sources (official national websites). Each agreement was thoroughly analyzed and main provisions have been codified to provide for extended analytical functionalities. A built-in search engine enables to query and analyze agreements per specific provisions, review the corresponding text, facilitate route planning as well as to geographically visualize the network of air traffic rights. The professional subscription also gives access to the extensive ICAO Legal Documents Library.

Global Air Transport Optimiser (GATO)


GATO provides intelligence to Member States and stakeholders to determine the linkages between connectivity and competition at a granular level thus enabling them to take decisions to identify factors and take necessary policy measures to optimize the air transport network.

Traffic Forecast


The ICAO forecasting application, with its state-of-the-art econometric models, is a one-stop solution for all planning and optimization needs of States and other aviation stakeholders. The tool’s comprehensive modules enable users to generate customized forecasts for traffic (i.e. passengers, RPK and load factors) and operations (i.e. flight departures and capacities) at multiple levels of granularity selected. Development of the forecast model specification is grounded in economic theory, which is used to identify the most important determinants of air travel demand. An econometric modelling framework is developed to capture statistically significant historical relationships between air travel demand and economic and demographic factors. These identified relationships are then used as the basis for producing traffic demand forecasts. In addition to traffic forecasts, the application provides a comprehensive historical data set of air traffic for the period 1995 to 2015 at a granular level.



The ICAO DATA+ is a new tool that presents in a dynamic and graphical environment the air transport statistic data.

These data enable users to quickly visualize trends, differences and similarities between air transport data selection and make competitive analyses (benchmarking) more accessible.