How COVID-19 is changing the world: a statistical perspective


The COVID-19 pandemic has profoundly impacted aviation, putting an industry that relies on being able to transport people and goods around the globe, under extreme strain.  With 90% of the world’s fleet grounded and almost no demand, the reduction in travel has far exceeded the levels observed during SARS and the terror attacks of 11 September 2001.

ICAO began working with UN agencies, developmental banks and other organizations of the Committee for the Coordination of Statistical Activities (CCSA) to produce a report that provides a wide range of statistics on the ways the COVID-19 crisis is changing the world. The report contains statistics and insights compiled jointly by 36 international organizations, under the leadership of the CCSA.

In this report, ICAO explains the instrumental role aviation plays as a worldwide enabler in times of crisis, though its vast network and connectivity, by transporting vital air cargo services and support of supply chains.

Since the decisions taken by aviation leaders today, and in the months to come, will impact the future of the industry, it is imperative that the governments taking decisions have access to the best information available. Throughout the crisis, ICAO has worked with a statistics community that includes States, other UN agencies and the industry and other partners, to deliver data and analysis that supports decision-making during (and eventually, after) the crisis.

The latest information available on the ways COVID-19 is affecting the world today is presented in this report. The quantitative knowledge presented covers different aspects of public and private life – from economic and environmental fluctuations, to changes that affect individuals in terms of income, education, employment and other public services such as civil aviation and postal services. The report also spotlights the impact on specific sub-population groups like women and children and various geographical regions.

The CCSA report will be used by policymakers for data-driven policies that lead us to recovery and mitigate the worldwide economic impacts of COVID that are cross-cutting all sectors of the economy.