Empowering aviation through seamless implementation solutions


The dynamic nature of the aviation industry poses significant challenges for States as they strive to achieve their safety, security, and sustainability goals. To assist in this effort, ICAO has introduced an innovative solution in the form of Implementation Packages (iPacks).  Our implementation packages have been designed to address States’ capacity challenges by providing the tools needed for the effective implementation of ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs).

Each iPack provides a comprehensive suite of tools, including expert consultation, guidance materials, and training courses that cover a diverse range of technical subjects. They are designed to assist Member States in developing, updating, and implementing their civil aviation plans. This support might include public health-related measures, facilitation and aviation security, aviation safety, or risk management.

iPacks helped us standardize and harmonize safety risk management during the pandemic, ensuring safe aviation activities.

Mr. Rajan Pokhrel Director General of the Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal

 We should probably begin by explaining what iPacks are 

iPacks help States implement international standards. They are anchored by four key components crafted to successfully implement ICAO provisions through:

  1.  Expert consultation: A seasoned subject matter expert works with your team for 15-20 days, providing invaluable guidance, reviews, clarifications, and unwavering support in your endeavors. States can tackle challenges head-on, ensuring activities align with ICAO guidelines.
  2. Training: Empower up to 12 technical specialists with a competency-based training course. Standardized training will equip your team to tackle unique implementation challenges with newfound expertise.
  3. Guidance materials: Access our carefully curated set of guidance materials that include annexes, manuals, guidance documents, and Procedures for Air Navigation Services (PANS), providing States with a complete library of resources.
  4. Tools: Each iPack has a specialized toolkit that assists States with their implementation goals. Be implementation-ready with data-driven applications, online reporting systems, electronic management systems, and questionnaires provided.

Your path to excellence

Aviation’s progress knows no bounds. Whether you are an airline, airport authority, air navigation service provider, civil aviation authority (CAA), accident investigation authority, in the Ministry of Transportation, or part of the aviation industry, a trade association, iPacks have the potential to transform your operations. iPacks ensure States’ implementation activities align with the measures and recommendations contained in ICAO provisions. This supports States in enhancing their safety, air navigation, or aviation security/facilitation in the most seamless and efficient manner.

With iPacks, States can undertake their implementation activities with confidence, knowing the solutions provided will be flexible and facilitate mutual acceptance by other States while also supporting engagement in the aviation industry.

The standardized guidance material, training, tools, and subject matter expertise offered in the iPack enabled Barbados to develop and implement a comprehensive State Safety Programme (SSP).

Ms. Tracey Forde-Bailey Director of Civil Aviation at the Barbados Civil Aviation Department

Getting started with iPacks

Before deploying each iPack, we work with your designated representative, gaining comprehensive insight into your organization’s needs and expectations. This support continues beyond the provision of iPack training course(s), with coordinated engagement and collaboration with our subject matter experts to ensure States achieve their specific programme objectives.

The latest customized iPacks

Recognizing the resource constraints facing many States, iPacks offer cost-effective implementation support that is well suited to emerging technical challenges. Serving as a comprehensive solution, this support encompasses all your aviation requirements in a single package.

Backed by our commitment to excellence, a wealth of knowledge, training, and resources at a price that’s within reach, these are some of the iPacks that are available:

  1. Aerodrome Certification: Developed in partnership with Airports Council International (ACI), this iPack, offered in-person and virtually, will aid CAAs and airport operators in addressing the technical challenges related to the development and implementation of an aerodrome certification programme.
  2. Accident/Incident Data Reporting: This iPack assists civil aviation entities in implementing an accident and incident reporting system in their State.
  3. State Safety Programme: This iPack will assist States, CAAs, and organizations in implementing a State Safety Programme (SSP) by using a project-oriented approach.
  4. National Aviation Safety Plan (implementation): This iPack assists CAAs in defining how their State measures safety performance so they can monitor the implementation of their National Aviation Safety Plan (NASP) and its effectiveness.

United for a safer tomorrow

The success of iPacks was made possible because of the support of Member States who showed their commitment to fostering a culture of safety, collaboration, and progress. With more than USD2.4 million in funding provided by individual ICAO Member States and development banks, iPacks are developed on the foundation of safety, collaboration, and progress.

Equip your State with tailor-made iPacks that can help you achieve excellence. To learn more about the different types of iPacks ICAO has developed, click here. We also have dedicated content on ICAO TV that provides more information and expert insight.