It isn’t too late to participate in the ICAO/ACI World Year of Security Culture video challenge!


Throughout the year, we have been promoting security in all aspects of aviation in support of the ICAO Year of Security Culture 2021.  An organization’s culture is reflected by the actions and behaviours of all entities and personnel working there – security is everyone’s responsibility, from the ground up and top-down.

Around the world, States, the United Nations family and international and regional organizations have been helping us raise awareness about the Year of Security Culture. In the latest activity, we have partnered with ACI World to launch a video challenge and we can’t wait to watch the submissions we receive! We are encouraging the aviation community to produce short videos that demonstrate enhanced security practices. The challenge is designed to help us highlight effective security cultures in aviation in an entertaining format…and there are prizes!

Who can participate? 

Airport companies and all other entities involved in aviation operations (whether they are in security and non-security roles) can participate by producing short videos (approximately 30 seconds) highlighting good security and enhanced security behaviours amongst all aviation employees.

Video topics and themes can include:

  • Effective security behaviours in action at an airport (i.e. challenging those who aren’t following security procedures and reporting issues of concern);
  • Promotions of the concept “Security is Everyone’s Responsibility”;
  • Acting in a security-conscious manner; and
  • Supporting a multi-agency approach to airport security to help deter, detect and prevent acts of unlawful interference.

How do you enter?

Once you’ve picked one of the video topics, you need to produce your video according to the technical requirements specified at the bottom of the information page. When you submit your video, make sure to fill out the video submission form with your video title and your name/entity/State.

Further information on the challenge, including its prizes and technical requirements, can be found on the ICAO Security Culture website.  The deadline for all video entries is 30 November 2021.