Sensitizing youth to cyber risks in aviation at upcoming event in Romania


ICAO works with many stakeholders to address the forecast shortage of aviation professionals. By launching the Next Generation of Aviation Professionals (NGAP) initiative in 2009, ICAO took steps to ensure that qualified and competent aviation professionals would be available to operate, manage and maintain the future international air transport system. This is critical for several reasons: a large contingent of the current generation of aviation professionals will retire, access to affordable training and education is increasingly problematic, and aviation competes with other industry sectors for highlyskilled professionals.

 ICAO works with these stakeholders to create greater awareness of the impending shortages of personnel, to forecast, both, global and regional personnel needs, and to assist the global aviation community in attracting, educating and retaining the next generation of aviation professionals.

From 7 to 9 May 2018, the Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) Cybersecurity in Civil Aviation Youth Event will take place in Bucharest, Romania. The youth event is hosted in conjunction with the ICAO EMEA Cybersecurity in Civil Aviation Summit that is organized by ICAO, the Defense, Public Order and National Security Committee of the Chamber of Deputies from the Romanian Parliament and the Romanian Civil Aviation Authority.

Providing an opportunity for students to gain insight into the complexity of the modern air transport system, the event will provide youth with a better understanding of its dependency on information technology and the associated cyber risks that may affect aviation.

Speed Networking

During the first day of the Summit, a speed networking activity will be available to selected students. This activity will provide face‐to‐face meetings with speakers, panellists and experts from the ICAO EMEA Cybersecurity in Civil Aviation Summit. Information for participation can be found here.

Panel Discussions

Participants of the Youth Event will have the opportunity to attend the ICAO EMEA Cybersecurity in Civil Aviation Summit during high‐level presentations from various key stakeholders, and to engage with technical experts during various panel events. Dedicated NGAP panels will be held at the Romanian Military Technical Academy on the morning of 8 May 2018. The panels will include speakers from States, International Organizations, Academia and Industry and will engage students in a dialogue on cybersecurity in civil aviation and the importance of the availability of appropriate experts in the future.


The detailed programme is available for downloading here.