Malaysia signs a Memorandum of Understanding in support of global aviation security


The objective of ICAO’s Universal Security Audit Programme – Continuous Monitoring Approach (USAP-CMA) is to promote global aviation security through continuous auditing and monitoring of Member States’ aviation security performance, in order to enhance their aviation security compliance and oversight capabilities.

During a ceremony that was held on 15 October 2018, Malaysia signed USAP-CMA Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with ICAO, ensuring that the State will participate fully in the USAP-CMA, which in turn, contributes to the universality of the programme.

icao dr. fang liu signing a usap cma memorandum with a representative from malaysia

The MoU signed between each Member State and ICAO establishes the official agreement outlining the terms and responsibilities of the Member State and ICAO in the effective implementation and maintenance of the USAP-CMA and for the preparation, conduct and reporting of USAP-CMA activities. The signed MoU represents the commitment of the Member State concerned not only to participate in USAP-CMA activities but also to take into consideration the recommendations of the USAP-CMA audit team in developing and implementing a State-specific Corrective Action Plan.

The signing by Malaysia brings the total number of Member States that have signed the USAP-CMA MoU to 152.  All States are encouraged to sign the USAP-CMA MoU as soon as possible.

ICAO’s Universal Security Audit Programme Continuous Monitoring Approach (USAP-CMA)

The objective of the USAP-CMA is to promote global aviation security through continuous auditing and monitoring of Member States’ aviation security performance, in order to enhance their aviation security compliance and oversight capabilities, by:

  • regularly and continuously obtaining and analysing data on Member States’ aviation security performance, including the level of implementation of the critical elements of an aviation security oversight system and the degree of compliance of with Standards of Annex 17 — Security and the relevant security-related Standards of Annex 9 — Facilitation, as well as associated procedures, guidance material and security-related practices;
  • identifying deficiencies in the overall aviation security performance of Member States and assessing the risks associated with such deficiencies;
  • providing prioritized recommendations to assist Member States in addressing identified deficiencies;
  • evaluating and validating corrective actions taken by Member States; and
  • re-assessing the overall levels of Member States’ aviation security performance achieved, aimed at continuously enhancing Member States’ aviation security compliance and oversight capabilities.