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Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (#CORSIA2018)


Welcome to the ICAO Seminar on the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA). For the first time ICAO will be broadcasting one of our Environment events on YouTube Live. You can follow the broadcast right here on UnitingAviation.com. Just scroll down below to the event playlist. The live broadcast began Monday, 2 July 2018 at 9:00 AM GMT -4:00. After the broadcast, the videos will be made available for on-demand viewing right here.

The decision to organize this Seminar stems from Assembly Resolution A39-3 (Consolidated statement of continuing ICAO policies and practices related to environmental protection – Global Market-based Measure (MBM) Scheme), by which the 39th Assembly decided that ICAO and Member States take all necessary actions in providing capacity building and assistance for implementation of CORSIA.

CORSIA-related Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) were adopted by the Council in June 2018, for the application from 1 January 2019. In light of the envisaged adoption of the SARPs, the objective of the two-day seminar is to further train participants on the CORSIA implementation requirements, in order for relevant stakeholders to have a clear understanding of the procedures and required actions, as well as related responsibilities, involved in the CORSIA implementation. Contents of the seminar will be based on the expected CORSIA-related SARPs, and also on the lessons learned and outcomes from a series of regional seminars being held on this subject from 21 March to 18 April 2018.

Day 1 – 2 July 2018

Opening Session

2 July 2018 9:00-10:45

Session Topic:

  • Opening ceremony; welcome session and seminar objectives.
  • Dr. Olumuyiwa Benard Aliu, President of the Council, ICAO
  • Boubacar Djibo, Director, Air Transoort Bureau, ICAO
  • Jane Hupe, Deputy Director, Environment, ICAO
  • Neil Dickson, Chief Environmental Standards, ICAO
  • Tetsuya Tanaka, Chief Climate Change, ICAO

Session 1: Monitoring, Reporting and Verification System – Monitoring CO2 emissions

2 July 2018 11:15-12:30

Session Topic:

  • Presentation on monitoring of CO2 emissions.
  • Practical demonstration of the Emissions Monitoring Plan.

Session 2: ICAO CORSIA CO2 Estimation and Reporting Tool (CERT)

2 July 2018 14:00-15:00

Session Topic:

  • Presentation on the ICAO CORSIA CERT.
  • Practical demonstration of the CERT.

Session 3: CORSIA MRV System: Reporting and verification of CO2 emissions

2 July 2018 15:30-17:00

Session Topic:

  • Presentation on reporting and verification of CO2 emissions.
  • Practical demonstration of the Emissions Report.

Read more about the ICAO Council’s adoption of the First Edition of Annex 16, Volume IV to the Convention on International Civil Aviation.