The University of the Witwatersrand enters Corporate Partnership with ICAO’s TRAINAIR PLUS Programme


The University of the Witwatersrand (WITS University) has been recognized by ICAO’s TRAINAIR PLUS Programme as a Corporate Partner. The University and ICAO have agreed, by signing a Memorandum of Understanding, to develop and deliver aviation-related training programmes and courses. The new collaboration represents an important milestone for ICAO,  since this is the first partnership with an academic institution in Africa.

The first joint activity will focus on the implementation of an “Aviation Training Needs Analysis (ATNA)” course, aimed at leveraging important research studies to identify the needs for the qualification of aviation professionals in the African Region. The analysis will support the establishment of a library of aviation professional competencies that will be used to enhance the training portfolios of aviation training providers. The aviation community and ICAO Member States will benefit from the human resource development of civil aviation authorities, air navigation service providers, airline and airport operators.

“The accession of WITS to the TRAINAIR PLUS Programme as the first ICAO Corporate Partner in Africa represents a great achievement and a momentous opportunity to further assist decision-makers in the development of relevant training plans and competency-based programmes for short- and long-term performance needs” remarked Diego Martinez, Chief, Global Aviation Training Section, Technical Cooperation Bureau, ICAO; “In light of the projected growth of the African air transport industry in the next fifteen years, it becomes apparent that such undertaking must be accompanied by commensurate investments and commitments towards the training of the current and next generation of aviation professionals”.

“As the only university on the African continent offering a Professional Aeronautical Engineering degree, WITS University is actively driving a continent-wide aerospace strategy that places training at the forefront of a long-term goal of ensuring that South Africa, and Africa as a whole, remain key aeronautics and space markets for the world. Within this context, this exciting corporate partnership with ICAO TRAINAIR PLUS is a hugely significant step in this journey and will serve as a historic catalyst to develop our joint training opportunities”, from Professor Jandrell, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment

Upon the launch of the Programme, the University will work in close collaboration with ICAO and its Regional Offices, to effectively implement and deliver this training across the Eastern and Southern Africa (ESAF) and the Western and Central Africa (WACAF) Regions.

The TRAINAIR PLUS Programme is a cooperative network of training organizations and industry partners working together to develop and deliver ICAO-harmonized training packages.