ICAO’s Secretary General encourages greater participation of representatives of general aviation


ICAO’s Secretary General Dr. Fang Liu opened the International Council of Aircraft Owner and Pilot Association’s (IAOPA) World Assembly in Queenstown, New Zealand earlier this week, where she took advantage of the opportunity to encourage representatives of general aviation to be more proactive in their ongoing contributions to ICAO’s work.

“ICAO remains fully committed to safeguarding the fundamental global interoperability of civil aviation, a key aspect of why aircraft operations have become such an incredible force for peace and economic prosperity in the world,” Dr. Liu explained. “However, when civil aviation authorities fail to take into account the differences between commercial air transport and general aviation, the results can too often be the over-regulation of the general aviation sector. This significantly constrains its ability to grow, and to thrive. Fortunately, ICAO and the general aviation sector have already established a very healthy and productive level of collaboration to address these and other issues.”

To encourage further progress, Dr. Liu pointed specifically to ICAO’s Aerodrome Design and Operations Panel (ADOP),  ATM Operations Panel (ATMOPSP), and Flight Operations Panel (FLTOPSP) as presenting particularly pertinent opportunities for IAOPA to enhance its contributions to ICAO’s work. Dr. Liu also noted that IAOPA is well positioned to enhance its support of ICAO’s work on issues pertaining to drone safety, the development of human resources (through the Next Generation of Aviation Professionals programme) and capacity building (through the No Country Left Behind initiative.)

While in New Zealand, Dr. Liu met with Mr. Peter Mersi, Chief Executive and Secretary for Transport of the country’s Ministry of Transport, and Mr. Graeme Harris, Director of Civil Aviation and Chief Executive Officer of its Civil Aviation Authority. The discussions focussed on the development of civil aviation to support the United Nations’ Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, and further areas of joint cooperation through ICAO’s platforms with respect to the technical assistance now needed in various Pacific Island States.