Each year, on April 23rd, there is recognition around the world for the scope of books and the ways they link the past and the future, bridging generations and crossing cultures. Three major sectors of the book industry are included – publishers, booksellers and libraries – ICAO represents all of them. This is how we ensure the civil aviation sector is safe, efficient, secure, economically sustainable, and environmentally responsible.
Aviation safety is at the core of ICAO’s fundamental Objectives. We are continuously striving, in close collaboration with the entire air transport community, to further improve aviation’s successful safety performance while maintaining a high level of capacity and efficiencies.
Among our many activities, we implement practical and achievable measures to improve safety and efficiencies in all sectors of the air transportation system. It is because of this approach that we can ensure aviation’s complimentary achievements in a safe and efficient network that serves a fundamental role in sporting global social and economic priorities. We monitor safety trends and indicators and we have sophisticated tools that collect and analyze vast arrays of data that allow us to identify existing and emerging risks. We develop global strategies and targeted programmes that address safety and infrastructure deficiencies.
We were able to achieve this by developing and maintaining Standards, Recommended Practices and Procedures (SARPs) that are published in Annexes and Procedures for Air Navigation Services (PANS). We complement these Standards with hundreds of manuals and circulars that provide guidance on their implementation.
ICAO produces SARPs and PANS and other guidance material by following a structured, transparent, and multi-staged process. This work involves a number of technical and non-technical review bodies that are compiled by State and industry subject matter experts. When these experts have submitted their recommendations, they are assessed and transmitted to the States and industry for review. Only when all relevant feedback and fine-tuning has taken place are they presented to ICAO’s Council for ultimate consideration – and only when they are approved do we publish them.
ICAO Member States’ Civil Aviation Administration and governmental bodies/agencies involved in non-commercial aviation activities may access ICAO publications in digital format through this portal.
We also share public access to our eLibrary platform that provides users with free access to read-only versions of publications that include tools for citation, sharing, bookmarks, highlighting text, and comments. These benefits improve reading experiences and the ability to reference important information; users can return to their bookmarked documents and color code their comments to easily find the content they require across several publications. To benefit from these features, users only have to set up an account here, and all personalizations and reading features will become available. Every year additional publications are added to the eLibrary platform. We notify subscribers when publication updates become available, and additional premium services (such as downloading and printing) are available for those who have subscribed.
Below we are spotlighting some of our bestsellers. All of them are available in the ICAO Store, where you can browse this collection of best-selling ICAO publications in print and digital formats, including Annex 10, Annex 14, Doc 7910, Doc 8168, and more. Take a peek below to learn more about these favorites.
The Annex is applicable to all applicants for and, on renewal, to all holders of the licences and ratings specified herein. The ICAO Council has decided that, in principle, amendments affecting existing licensing specifications are applicable to all applicants for, and holders of, licences but, in considering their application to existing holders of licences, the assessment, if necessary, by re-examination of the knowledge, experience and proficiency of individual licence holders is left to the discretion of Contracting States.
- The first volume of Annex 10 is a technical document that defines the systems necessary to provide radio navigation aids used by aircraft in all phases of flight for international aircraft operations. The information contained in this volume includes aspects of power requirements, frequency, modulation, signal characteristics, and monitoring needed to ensure that suitably equipped aircraft will receive navigation signals in all parts of the world with the requisite degree of reliability.
- Volume II contains SARPs, PANS and guidance material on aeronautical communication, navigation, and surveillance systems. It also includes general, administrative, and operational procedures on aeronautical fixes and mobile communications.
- The third volume of Annex 10 contains SARPs and guidance material for various air-ground and ground-ground voice and data communication systems.
- The fourth volume–Surveillance Radar and Collision Avoidance Systems–includes Standards and Recommended Practices and guidance material for secondary surveillance radar (SSR) and airborne collision avoidance systems (ACAS).
- Volume V of Annex 10–Aeronautical Radio Frequency Spectrum Utilization–includes SARPs and guidance material on the utilization of aeronautical frequencies. To learn more about Annex 10, click here.
- The first volume of Doc 8168 describes operational procedures recommended for the guidance of flight operations personnel. It also addresses the various parameters on which the criteria in the second volume are based to illustrate the need for operational personnel, including flight crew, to adhere strictly to the published procedures to achieve and maintain an acceptable level of safety in operations.
- Volume II of Doc 8168 addresses the essential areas and obstacle clearance requirements to achieve safe, regular instrument flight operations. It also provides guidelines to States and the operators and organizations that produce instrument flight charts that will result in uniform practices at all aerodromes where instrument flight procedures are carried out.
- The third volume of Doc 8168 is the ultimate guide on operational procedures and is highly recommended for flight operations personnel and flight crew. This volume focuses on aircraft operation procedure topics that can assist teams in ensuring the highest level of safety during flights. To learn more on Doc 8168, click here.
The Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air 2021-2022 (Doc 9284) contain the only legal source of regulations for safely transporting dangerous goods by air. Also known as the Technical Instructions or the TIs, this manual helps shippers, operators, State authorities, and anyone else involved in the air transport chain find all the detailed regulations necessary for the safe transport of dangerous goods by air. To learn more about Doc 9284, click here.