Ensuring compliance with international air law

At ICAO we support the diplomacy of 193 national governments through the Chicago Convention that established the core principles permitting international transport by air. Our core function is to maintain an administrative and expert bureaucracy (the ICAO Secretariat) that supports diplomatic interactions and researches new air transport policies and standardizes the innovations that are directed and endorsed by Member States.

We have a Legal Affairs and External Relations Bureau that provides States with advice and assistance on constitutional, administrative and procedural matters, on problems of international law, air law, commercial law, labour laws, and other related matters.  The Bureau also conducts research and studies in the field of private and public international air law, prepares documentation for, and serves as the Secretariat of the Legal Committee: relevant bodies of the Assembly; and Diplomatic Conferences that adopt multilateral treaties on international air law. ICAO’s Legal Bureau is responsible for the depositary functions of ICAO under several treaties, as well as the registration of agreements or arrangements pursuant to Articles 81 and 83 of the Chicago Convention.

One of the ways we assist civil aviation administrations and authorities, airports and air navigation service providers in supporting their organizations, is by ensuring they have access to ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices and are in compliance with international air law. We have an extensive portfolio of training that equips and empowers aviation professionals with the information they need to ensure the best practices. Our training connects learners from diverse backgrounds so they can collaborate across borders. As part of this portfolio, we developed a five-day aviation law course that covers the following topics:

  • Principles of International Aviation Law
  • Legal Framework for Aviation Security
  • Air Transport Agreements and Liberalisation
  • Air Carrier Liability
  • Consumer Protection Laws and
  • Aircraft Finance and Registration of Security Interests

This course is offered in both a virtual and classroom format and is available in English, French and Spanish. Participants who complete this training will be able to define the concepts and rules of international air law and explain the relevance of the rules and procedures of international air law for their own roles and functions in their organization. Additionally, they will be able to apply their knowledge and understanding to assist their national administration in improving implementation.

To find out more about this course and consult the schedule for upcoming sessions, click here.


air lawAviation Lawaviation trainingGlobal Aviation Training