The future skilled workforce: addressing the challenges in global aviation

We recorded the important discussions that took place during ICAO’s Second Next General of Aviation Professionals (NGAP/2) Global Summit. The event united the aviation community, education and labour sectors as they addressed strategies and actions for engaging, educating and retaining the next generation of aviation professionals, and established partnerships for the implementation of these actions. Scroll down to watch all of the presentations!


Based on ICAO forecasts, by the year 2036, no less than 620,000 pilots will be needed to fly the world’s 100-seat-and-larger aircraft. What is even more important than this figure is the fact that 80 percent of these future aviators will be new entrants to this profession who are not yet flying today.


Taking important steps to ensure there are enough competent aviation professionals are available to operate, manage and maintain the global air transport system in the coming decades, new agreements and initiatives were forged during ICAO’s Second Next General of Aviation Professionals (NGAP/2) Global Summit, hosted by the Shenzhen Municipal People’s Government of Guangdong Province, the Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics, and Beihang University.


ICAO Secretary General Dr. Fang Liu addressing a wide cross-section of professionals and leaders at ICAO’s Second Next General of Aviation Professionals (NGAP/2) Global Summit in Shenzhen, China

ICAO Secretary General Dr. Fang Liu, in her opening remarks to the more than 1000 Summit participants and high-level officials present, recognized that a similar story is playing out with respect to the future air traffic controllers, maintenance personnel and other technicians needed. She stressed that “these are just some of the literally hundreds of direct and indirect aviation career categories which will potentially be impacted.”


The Secretary General further noted that nearly 55 percent of the world’s 1.3 billion international travellers arrive at their destinations in aircraft today, a crucial contribution which when combined with aviation’s many other socio-economic benefits illustrates why air transport is regarded as a veritable lifeline for States’ economic growth and development.


Participants at the NGAP/2 Summit came from 32 countries and were comprised primarily of professionals and leaders representing industry, governmental and non-governmental organizations, and academia. Also in attendance were almost 180 students who took part in the Model ICAO Forum held in parallel. If you missed out on attending the event, you can catch up on all of the presentations here! 


#NGAP2018 Day 1:  Fast forward to the future

Welcome remarks and opening statements:

  • Dr Fang LIU, Secretary General, International Civil Aviation Organization
  • Jian LI, Deputy Administrator, Civil Aviation Administration, China
  • Zuoming LIN, President of Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics
  • Shumin CAO, Chairman of University Council, Beihang University
  • Rugui CHEN, Mayor of Shenzhen

Keynote address: What do we need to know for the 21st Century? 

  • Lydia Sindisiwe CHIKUNGA, Deputy Minister of Transport, South Africa

Session: Fast forward to the future What will aviation jobs look like in 20 years? How will new technologies affect the role of the human in the aviation industry? How will the generation of today shape the future aviation workforce?

  • Moderator: Jiefang HUANG, Director, Legal Affairs and External Relations Bureau, ICAO
  • Michel WACHENHEIM, Executive Representative of ICCAIA
  • Patrik PETERS, President and Chief Executive Officer, International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers’ Associations (IFATCA)
  • Roger LUO, President, DJI – Michel TRAN VAN, General Manager, Airbus Beijing Engineering Center Ltd
  • Ting OU-YANG, Vice President, Civil Aviation Flight University of China
  • Henk HOF, Head of ICAO and Concept Unit, EUROCONTROL

Announcement of the ICAO initiative to support young researchers and innovators

  • Charles BOMBARDIER, Senior NGAP Advisor

ICAO Signing ceremony between ICAO and Airbus to support the ICAO NGAP Programme

#NGAP2018 Day 2 AM: Employer Challenges, Women in Aviation & Innovative Solutions

Panel 2 – Employer challenges now and in the future: Where are the immediate shortages and critical hotspots? How can we expand our aviation personnel resources now and in the future?

  • Moderator: Arun MISHRA, Regional Director, Asia and Pacific Office
  • ICAO – H.M.C. NIMALSIRI, Director General of Civil Aviation and Chief Executive Officer, Civil Aviation Authority, Sri Lanka
  • Patti CHAU, Regional Director, Asia Pacific, ACI
  • Ananthanarayan SAINARAYAN, Chief, Aviation Data and Analysis Section, Air Transport Bureau, ICAO
  • Yann RENIER, Head of Training and Licensing
  • IATA – Torbjorn WISCHER, Global Leader – Training Strategy for Civil Aviation, CAE Inc
  • Yanhua TANG, Deputy Director of Human Resources Department, Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China, Ltd

Panel 3 – Women in aviation now and in the future: How can we promote diversity, including a gender balanced workforce, in aviation?

  • Moderator: Poppy KHOZA, Director of Civil Aviation, Civil Aviation Authority, South Africa
  • Nicole GIRARD, Acting Associate Assistant Deputy Minister of Safety and Security, Transport Canada
  • Henry GOURDJI, Head Strategic Planning, Coordination and Partnerships Office, ICAO
  • Zhenxia LV, Team Manager, Airbus Beijing Engineering Center Ltd

Panel 4 – Innovations and solutions to address NGAP challenges: How can we prepare the youth of tomorrow for jobs we cannot even foresee? Which skills should be learned? How are we rethinking human resources, education and economic approaches?

  • Moderator: Claude HURLEY, President of the Air Navigation Commission
  • ICAO – Katie PRIBYL, Senior Vice President, Aviation Strategy and Programs, Aircraft Owners and Pilot Association (on behalf of IAOPA)
  • Indana Prabhakara RAO, Executive Director, GMR Airports, New Delhi
  • Hai-Jun HUANG, Vice President, Beihang University
  • Graham HUNT, Vice-Chancellor and Head of Asia, Embry Riddle Aeronautical University
  • Juan BO, Head of Business Development China, ATR

Announcement of the establishment of the International Association of Aviation and Aerospace Education “ALICANTO” signing ceremony)

  • Angela C. ALBRITTON, Representative of the International Association of Aviation and Aerospace Education “ALICANTO”
  • Pascal REVEL, Representative of the International Association of Aviation and Aerospace Education “ALICANTO”

#NGAP2018 Day 2 AM: Setting up a national NGAP strategy & The Way Forward

Panel 5: Setting up a national NGAP strategy Where does a State start in setting up a national NGAP strategy? How can cooperation between the government, industry and academia be facilitated? Why is it important?

  • Moderator: Haydar YALÇIN, Deputy Director General, CAA, Turkey and President of the Provisional Council, EUROCONTROL
  • Weiguang DI, Director of Training and Education Division, Department of Personnel, Science & Technology and Education, CAA, China
  • Martín Alejandro VIDAL DELGADO, Ambassador of Uruguay to Canada and Representative of Uruguay on the Council of ICAO
  • Chun Yang ONG, Deputy Director (Aviation Industry), CAA, Singapore
  • Javier VICEDO, Representative China & North Asia, EASA
  • Gun Young LEE, Professor, Korea National University of Transportation

Panel 6: The way forward How can NGAP be addressed at the global level? What are the benefits of doing so? What sort of things could be included in a global NGAP strategy?

  • Moderator: Catalin RADU, Deputy Director, Aviation Safety, Air Navigation Bureau, ICAO
  • Levan KARANADZE, First Deputy Director, CAA, Georgia
  • Karlin TONER, Director, Global Strategy, Office of International Affairs, FAA, United States
  • Hai Eng CHIANG, Director Asia Pacific Affairs, CANSO
  • Steve BROWN, Chief Operating Officer, National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) (on behalf of IBAC)
  • Vincent GORRY, Senior Vice-president, European and International Affairs, French Aerospace Industries Association (GIFAS)
  • John R. WATRET, Chancellor, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University – Worldwide Campus
  • Dongsheng WEN, Chair of AeRospace College Alliance of Sino-universities (ARCAS)

Day 3: ICAO’s Expanded NGAP Programme

ICAO’s Expanded NGAP Programme:

  • Michelle MILLAR, Manager, NGAP Programme, Air Navigation Bureau,

ICAO Implementation of National NGAP Programmes: 

  • Diana DUMITRACHE, Chair, Strategy and Planning Working Group, NGAP Programme and President, Romanian Aeronautical Association

Addressing future aviation security needs:

  • Walter PARKS III, AVSEC Training Coordinator, Implementation Support and Development Section, Air Transport Bureau, ICAO

Addressing future environmental needs:

  • Chrystelle DAMAR, Associate Environment Officer, Air Transport Bureau, ICAO

Scientific Journal:

  • Ananthanarayan SAINARAYAN, Chief, Aviation Data and Analysis Section, Air Transport Bureau, ICAO

ICAO opportunities for young aviation professionals:

  • Kamini BALRAM, Chief, Staff Employment and Administration Section, Bureau of Administration and Services, ICAO

Closing of Model ICAO Forum

  • Summary of Model ICAO Forum
  • Recognition announcement for overall winner

Closing of NGAP/2 Global Summit: 

  • Communiqué
  • Closing statement

NGAP Summit Model ICAO Forum

Participants at the NGAP  Summit who participated in the 2018 Model ICAO Forum share their thoughts on the value and benefit of the role of aviation in the world, and the part they can play in its future in this video: