ICAO Seminar: Aviation Data and Analysis


Informed decision-making is the foundation upon which successful businesses are built. In fast-growing industries like aviation, planners and investors require comprehensive, up-to-date and reliable data. ICAO remains committed to consistently offering comprehensive and objective, accurate and reliable aviation data so that States, international organizations and stakeholders in the aviation tourism industries can benchmark performance, make better projections, control costs and risks, and improve business valuations.

ICAO is the central UN agency responsible for collecting, analyzing, publishing, standardizing, improving and disseminating statistics pertaining to civil aviation.  One of the ways ICAO works to meet future demands is through events, like the Aviation Data and Analysis Seminar that took place at ICAO’s European and North Atlantic (EUR/NAT) Regional Office from 4 to 6 April 2018. The seminar was jointly organized by the EUR/NAT Office, ICAO Headquarters and ICAO’s Middle East (MID) Regional Office.

The Aviation Data and Analysis Seminar brought together all stakeholders, (regulators, air navigation service providers, aerodrome operators, aircraft operators, international organizations and others from the industry) to review the current situation and trends of aviation in the EUR/NAT and MID Regions, including the synergies between aviation, tourism and trade; and the understanding of the challenges and needs of the different stakeholders, considering the cost effectiveness. The use of civil aviation data analysis for planning and decision making in ICAO, national administrations, airlines, airports and ANSPs was also addressed.

The Seminar, which was attended by representatives from 24 States, eight International and regional organizations and others in the industry, included presentations on the latest applications in data and analytics that are used for efficient decision making by different aviation stakeholders. It also included  as well as a number of discussion panels addressing interesting subjects such as: information systems to improve airline efficiency, economics of airports and ANSPs. The seminar was attended by representatives from 24 States, eight international and regional Organizations as well as representatives from the industry.

For more information on ICAO’s eTools, Data Plus, Voluntary Fund, and Joint Financing Programmes, or to register to receive the monthly Air Transport Monitor Newsletter, you can visit ICAO’s website here.

ICAO, in collaboration with several air transport industry groups, has published a special Aviation Benefits report and checklist for States. The publication outlines the positive impacts ICAO compliant air connectivity has on economies.

The Industry High-Level Group (IHLG) was established in 2013 to bring ICAO, the Airports Council International (ACI), the Civil Air Navigation Services Organisation (CANSO), the International Air Transport Association (IATA) and the International Coordinating Council of Aerospace Industries Associations (ICCAIA) together to consider matters of global significance to international civil aviation that can be better addressed in a collaborative arrangement between States and the industry rather than working individually on such matters.

The IHLG organizations collaborated to provide the Aviation Benefits, a comprehensive view of the importance of aviation on supporting the global economy and generating social benefits through the prism of sustainable air transport solutions. You can read the complete 68-page document, Aviation Benefits 2017, here.