Staffing and training for air navigation services: EUROCONTROL develops a solution for CAAs to address ICAO findings


Through ICAO’s USOAP audits and ICAO Coordinated Validation Missions (ICVM), many States have identified needs in the area of human resources and technical personnel qualification and training. To help address these needs, EUROCONTROL has developed a Human Resources (HR) application for the ANS Oversight Domain called the N-HRA. This application is complementary to the ICAO iSTARS CAA HR Toolkit that can be used to estimate the number of inspectors that States may need for their safety oversight activities.

The N-HRA is a web based application that can be used to manage any of the following processes: staff planning and monitoring, training plans and monitoring, role requirements and competency monitoring.

ICAO Annex 19 recommends that a State should use a methodology to determine its staffing requirements for personnel performing safety oversight functions, taking into account the size and complexity of the aviation activities in that State. The N-HRA provides a staff planning methodology. Moreover, the N-HRA supports and facilitates CAA/ANS management decision making processes to ensure that staff shortages can be minimized and alleviated.

You can better understand how this application provides CAAs with a common approach for planning, monitoring and reporting on ANS Oversight HR, by watching this video:


There are currently 24 EUROCONTROL Member States with access to the N-HRA. To learn more about becoming a user, you can contact them by email:

*NSA National Supervisory Authority