The risks posed to civil aviation operations over or near conflict zones


In any State at any time, military or terrorist conflicts may occur that poses risks to civil aviation. It is important for governments, aircraft operators, and other airspace users such as air navigation service providers (ANSPs), to work together to share the most up-to-date conflict zone risk-based information possible to assure the safety of civilian flights.

According to their responsibilities as signatories to the Convention on International Civil Aviation (Chicago Convention), ICAO Member States are obliged to promptly communicate potential risks to safe and secure civil aviation operations in their sovereign or delegated airspace, including those relating to conflict zones. They undertake these efforts through the Aviation Security Point of Contact (PoC) Network or through regional contingency mechanisms.

In addition, the airlines registered in States’ territories will often also conduct their own proprietary conflict zone risk assessments, including via third-party security monitoring providers, in order to safely plan their routes and operations based on the latest information available.

You can learn more about ICAO’s requirements and guidance that assists States, operators and ANSPs regarding conflict zone risks in Document 10084, Risk Assessment Manual for Civil Aircraft Operations Over or Near Conflict Zones, which is shared below with the links for versions provided in the six official languages of ICAO provided under.

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Document 10084 is also available in the following languages: