Innovation in aviation training


In 2014 ICAO’s Global Aviation Training (GAT) Office launched the first Course Developers and Instructors Standardization meeting CDI/STD. Since then these meetings have provided a unique platform for training professionals to exchange best practices, discuss challenges and identify opportunities for the improvement of training deliverables. The 7th CDI/STD meeting, which is being graciously hosted by Middle East Airlines (MEA) Training Centre, was originally scheduled to be held in Beirut, Lebanon in November 2019, but has been rescheduled for early 2020.

CDI/STD meetings bring together professionals who work directly in the development and delivery of aviation training. As participants share and collaborate strategies for common challenges, they are ultimately building capacities in the aviation training community.

Experts in the field lead a series of dynamic sessions throughout these meetings. The sessions in Beirut will focus on innovation, and investigating new approaches to determine how they can be integrated into existing training strategies and best practices.

These events enable training professionals from diverse organizations to engage with each other to determine the best way forward in their approach to designing, developing and delivering aviation training. Networking opportunities during the event encourage greater training collaboration opportunities and the creation of new training partnerships.

The event will also provide the opportunity for courseware developers, instructors, and other aviation stakeholders to delve into the following challenges:

  • What are the potential benefits (and potential drawbacks) of innovation?
  • What instructor competencies are required in a modern classroom?
  • How do innovative training technologies drive learning?
  • What are the emerging needs of our new trainees? How do we address them?


The 3-day standardization meeting will comprise seven sessions that address specific challenges and strategies associated with innovation in training. Each session will be led by an expert who will offer their solutions to training challenges for participants to consider.

You can view the preliminary programme here. In addition to TRAINAIR PLUS Programme (TPP) Members, representatives of training departments of civil aviation authorities, and aviation training organizations are encouraged to participate.

Because registering for the meeting is free-of-charge; participants must register in advance (the capacity of the conference room is limited). Details related to the meeting, including registration, programme, hotel information, and visa entry requirements are available and updated periodically on the event website.ICAO Training