The nineteenth meeting of the Middle East Air Navigation Planning and Implementation Regional Group and the ninth meeting of the Regional Aviation Safety Group-Middle East (MIDANPIRG/19 & RASG-MID/9) were hosted by the General Authority of Civil Aviation (GACA) of Saudi Arabia from 14 to 17 February 2022. The hybrid meetings, which were successfully managed by GACA in coordination with ICAO Middle East Regional Office, were the first hybrid meetings held since the start of the COVID pandemic.
Mr. Mohamed Abu Baker, Regional Director of ICAO MID Office, welcomed all participants and thanked GACA for hosting the meetings and the generous hospitality, “It is the first time that we meet in person since the COVID outbreak,” said by Mr. Mohamed.
“The ICAO MID Region Office will continue to play its important role to serve the region and the states at its best and all of us should aim to quickly reestablish international air transport to a level beyond those achieve prior to 2020” Mr. Mohamed emphasized.
Mr. Sulaiman highlighted the importance of the MIDANPIRG/19 and RASG/9 to the Region. He noted that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is always supporting ICAO in its role as leader of the aviation development. They have offered support through various initiatives that include ensuring No Country is Left Behind (NCLB), and has the technical and material means to continue to assist ICAO in achieving the organization’s strategic objectives for safe and secure civil aviation approaches by hosting the MENA RSOO and CASP-MID in Riyadh.