The EUR/NAT Office is fully supporting the activities of the SAR Task Force. As part of its work programme, the second meeting of the EUR SAR/TF (Larnaca, Cyprus, 11 to 14 October 2016) organized, in addition to the regular two-day plenary meeting, a two-day Search and Rescue Exercise (SAREX) with the support of the Joint Rescue Coordination Center (JRCC) in Larnaca, Cyprus.
Recently, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Regional SAR cooperation of Western Balkan States was signed during a Regional SAR Conference hosted by the Civil Aviation Directorate (CAD) of the Republic of Serbia and supported by Eurocontrol and the EUR/NAT Office. ICAO reaffirmed its commitment to cooperate with the SAR Advisory Committee activities.
This article was originally written for the ICAO EUR/NAT Office’s Newsletter (Issue 1) on May 2017. A full list of their newsletters can be found here.