Europe and North Atlantic

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From Regional Offices around the World

Encouraging Europe’s sustainable aviation leadership to support ICAO goals

Europe is playing a crucial role in accelerating progress towards the global net zero carbon emission objectives…

Breaking stereotypes: women in Kazakhstan are soaring in aviation professions

In many industries there are male- or female-dominated professions where one gender constitutes more than…

Strengthening environmental sustainability: one region’s journey towards net-zero skies

The aviation industry serves a vital role in global connectivity and will continue to expand this role through…

The cost of making European aviation sustainable

With the challenges brought on by climate change and extreme weather conditions, we have to navigate aviation…

Aviation’s impact on the environment: updates from the EUR/NAT region

Througout 2023, ICAO's European and North Atlantic (EUR/NAT) Office organized several events to support States with…

Charting progress: milestones and collaboration in the Latin America Region

The Latin American Civil Aviation Commission (LACAC) is a specialized regional entity that is dedicated to…

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Advocating for the rule of international aviation law

Every year ICAO conducts a Legal Seminar to inform and update government officials on the Work Programme of ICAO in the legal field and a number of current subjects in the…
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